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Is Israel a rogue state?


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So where did the original Russian Jews come from in the first place. stop nitpicking Palestine is the original home of the Jews,Saladin turfed out those he didn't slaughter that's why they appear in nearly every country on earth they have always been ostracised


khazar converts, any link to suggest saladin slaughtered people i thought that's what the christians did in the crusades to civilians

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I thought Palestine originally a long time ago belonged to the Jews before Saladin conquered the country.


I give up!!

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1938!! Im talking BC here you ought to do some reading and at least try to understand what your posting i.e a minority section of Judaism as with the Muslims and the Saudi Wahibi extremists


Don't get confused between Zionism and Judaism. Very easy mistake to make. And you're making it.

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I dare say they were not, nor were the Hamas justified in firing rockets from school yards were they...War is not based on justifications its all wrong and so is terrorism. It takes two,at least,to make a fight and from past history the Muslims are not shy at putting their twopennorth in so maybe all the blame doesn't belong on the Israeli side after all Muslims havent got that good a track record at playing the game.


When 24 year old Rachel Corrie was run over and killed by a bulldozer driven by the IDF or when 23 year old British photography student Tomas Hurndall was shot in the head by an IDF soldier and eventually not recovering from his coma, there were no Hamas rockets being fired.......and yet these young unarmed people were still killed.......and they haven't been the only ones,


do you think that is justified Noddy:?:

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When 24 year old Rachel Corrie was run over and killed by a bulldozer driven by the IDF or when 23 year old British photography student Tomas Hurndall was shot in the head by an IDF soldier and eventually not recovering from his coma, there were no Hamas rockets being fired.......and yet these young unarmed people were still killed.......and they haven't been the only ones,


do you think that is justified Noddy:?:

I think I said earlier war is not based on justification and fair play people get killed that's the nature of war ,every nation that has ever fought a war will somewhere have skeletons in their respective cupboards The US has Hiroshima and Nagasaki,we have Dresden the Germans have the Holocaust and so on.....justify any war to me.....I can't to you..but as I said it takes two or more to make a fight

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I think I said earlier war is not based on justification and fair play people get killed that's the nature of war ,every nation that has ever fought a war will somewhere have skeletons in their respective cupboards The US has Hiroshima and Nagasaki,we have Dresden the Germans have the Holocaust and so on.....justify any war to me.....I can't to you..but as I said it takes two or more to make a fight


So therefore you can't then go and say that bombing of schools playgrounds is justified because the IDF have claimed that Hamas were firing rockets at them can you?

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So therefore you can't then go and say that bombing of schools playgrounds is justified because the IDF have claimed that Hamas were firing rockets at them can you?

What part of ,,"I dont justify any act of war" do you not understand thats my personal biased opinion, sadly those that make the wars and carry them out dont ask me for my opinion therefore when events happen all I can do is comment on them in a unbiased way Im merely stating that the Palestinians are no angels and in a war scenario they and you have to expect recriminations,to heap all the blame on the Israelis simply because when they fight back they do so with the correct tools is no excuse for labelling them monsters,it is a war situation and as with any war its there to be won irrespective of the difference in resources.

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