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Is Israel a rogue state?


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The land was promised to the Jews by God and Moses took his people there. The Romans took the land from the Jews and gave it to the Arabs. The land is Jewish recommended to them by God, you can't get a higher endorsement than that. Would you go against God's word?


lol..the biggest joke I ever heared since a while,while Moses took the jews who were living in egypt to palestine and not jews from europe to palestine as it is well known ,He took them there peacefuuly while israelis took the lands by force and killing innocent people.And that is obviously against God's will

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The finger of suspicion over the murder of a Hamas commander in Dubai is firmly pointing at Israel and in particular its intelligence agency Mossad.


The Dubai police chief has said that


"It is 99%, if not 100%, sure that Mossad is standing behind the murder,"


So far Israeli diplomats have pleaded ignorance whilst other Israeli politicians have steadfastly refused to comment, saying that Israel's policy on such matters is neither to confirm nor deny.


Given Israel's history of covert killing is rent-a-gob Respect MP George Galloway correct when he refers to Israel as a "rogue state"?


IS America a rogue country? it slaughtered the red man to come to power there.

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lol..the biggest joke I ever heared since a while,while Moses took the jews who were living in egypt to palestine and not jews from europe to palestine as it is well known ,He took them there peacefuuly while israelis took the lands by force and killing innocent people.And that is obviously against God's will

Moses gained the freedom of the Israelites from the Egyptians so that they could return to their homeland.


So now we foreget about Joshua and Jericho(some peaceful reoccupation).


Also Moses never entered the promised land.


The Jews did in 1947 what they did after gaining their freedom from the Egyptians which was to regain their homeland.

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I don't know, Im asking the question. Its a cert none of the places in the region got anywhere with armoury without outside interests after their monies.


Trouble is selling arms has consiquences that can make it un profitable in the long term, especially if you get dragged into the conflict to clear it up. Look at Iraq as a brilliant example.

The Soviets aremed all the Arab countries on a massive scale.

Just remember what Churchill said.

"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, It's the size of the fight in the dog"


The Arabs are completely useless in conflict, they were provided with the best missiles (SAMs) tanks and Jets Fighter bombers that the Soviets had. They're only fit for underhand suicide attacks or firing missiles at innocent civillians whilst hiding behind innocent civillians.


And yet people on here seem to think they're the victime.:loopy:

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The Soviets aremed all the Arab countries on a massive scale.

Just remember what Churchill said.

"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, It's the size of the fight in the dog"


The Arabs are completely useless in conflict, they were provided with the best missiles (SAMs) tanks and Jets Fighter bombers that the Soviets had. They're only fit for underhand suicide attacks or firing missiles at innocent civillians whilst hiding behind innocent civillians.


And yet people on here seem to think they're the victime.:loopy:


They're experts at playing the victim though.

They have portions of the world completely fooled and their propoganda has the Israeli propoganda knocked into a cocked hat.

Their "big lies" are way better than what Israel comes out with.

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If the Jews were driven into the sea or eradicated by some other method, who would the Arabs blame for the world's problems then ?

After all they are responsible for global warming/cooling, shark attacks, oil spills, earthquakes, economic downturns, bankruptcies, childhood obesity and anything else that springs to mind.

If you want to use biased information don't try to cloak it as factual. :suspect:

No, your being overly over the top as to belittle real Arab concerns in the region.


You aim to show the Israelis as an oppressed people and make light hearted their oppression of the Arabs.

This is a tactic often used by Israelis to show themselves victims still of persecution. They have learned the trick well from the Nazis who used this on the Jewish people in WW2. By de-humanising and ridiculing the Nazis were able to do horrible,evil things to the Jews without conscience, and they now in turn are guilty of the same practice.

It took the world to say enough is enough 70 years ago and we are getting there again.

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IS America a rogue country? it slaughtered the red man to come to power there.
Yes it was back in the days. That's not being debated though.

No one, not even the Americans themselves think what they did to the Native Americans was anything to be proud of, as any German will now tell you that that what they did was wrong and they are disgusted with their own past as we British are about the slave trade.


The point is that people know of bad histories and can say where things lead too with hind sight, that why we can safely condemn Israel over its actions, because we know better and know where its going. After WW2 you would think it would be ingrained in every Jew that no one should suffer at the hand of evil from what they endured.

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The Soviets aremed all the Arab countries on a massive scale.

Just remember what Churchill said.

"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, It's the size of the fight in the dog"


The Arabs are completely useless in conflict, they were provided with the best missiles (SAMs) tanks and Jets Fighter bombers that the Soviets had. They're only fit for underhand suicide attacks or firing missiles at innocent civillians whilst hiding behind innocent civillians.


And yet people on here seem to think they're the victime.:loopy:

Now do you know why that speech was made ?


you brought it up but why tho's words were needed was because WE were alone in the world up against a foe that had already shown its might on the Battlefield and was conquering nation after nation. They had superior weaponry and resources, they had a larger army ect ect ect




And we needed to be reassured that although we were out classed and numbered we were going to fight to the death and be counted.


That little dog is not Israel, the little dog is the Palestinian nation.


Yes they have out dated cold war missiles, but they don't have guidance weaponry or Nuclear weaponry like Israel posses.


They don't hide behind civilians, THEY ARE CIVILIANS.

Its the oppressed people of Palestine that they are fighting, not some well organised, well armed people that they are made out. You know this when you see them fighting tanks with stones in the street.


Stop the occupation and you stop the war Simple.

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They're experts at playing the victim though.

They have portions of the world completely fooled and their propoganda has the Israeli propoganda knocked into a cocked hat.

Their "big lies" are way better than what Israel comes out with.

Well that's a start.

I take my hat off to you, your the first to come on and state that Israel actually does lie.

Its a small step but a necessary one. The first step to recovery is acknowledging you have a problem ;)

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