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Is Israel a rogue state?


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No, your being overly over the top as to belittle real Arab concerns in the region.


You aim to show the Israelis as an oppressed people and make light hearted their oppression of the Arabs.

This is a tactic often used by Israelis to show themselves victims still of persecution. They have learned the trick well from the Nazis who used this on the Jewish people in WW2. By de-humanising and ridiculing the Nazis were able to do horrible,evil things to the Jews without conscience, and they now in turn are guilty of the same practice.

It took the world to say enough is enough 70 years ago and we are getting there again.


I don't consider Israel oppressed at all.

I do consider them besieged though.

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Now do you know why that speech was made ?


you brought it up but why tho's words were needed was because WE were alone in the world up against a foe that had already shown its might on the Battlefield and was conquering nation after nation. They had superior weaponry and resources, they had a larger army ect ect ect




And we needed to be reassured that although we were out classed and numbered we were going to fight to the death and be counted.


That little dog is not Israel, the little dog is the Palestinian nation.Yes they have out dated cold war missiles, but they don't have guidance weaponry or Nuclear weaponry like Israel posses.


They don't hide behind civilians, THEY ARE CIVILIANS.

Its the oppressed people of Palestine that they are fighting, not some well organised, well armed people that they are made out. You know this when you see them fighting tanks with stones in the street.


Stop the occupation and you stop the war Simple.


Where is this mythical place ?

Is it near Atlantis or somewhere inside an extinct volcano perhaps ?

Stop the rockets, get to the table and the "occupation" could get addressed.

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Well that's a start.

I take my hat off to you, your the first to come on and state that Israel actually does lie.

Its a small step but a necessary one. The first step to recovery is acknowledging you have a problem ;)


Thanks for the compliment ( I think)

Don't you think that EVERY country in the world lies when it suits them to do so ?

The so-called "Palestinians" are particulary good at it though.

After all they've been lying to themselves for years so lying to the rest of the world is a snap.

It's a rare talent, like safe-cracking, if only it could be put to good use to benefit humankind. ;)

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I don't consider Israel oppressed at all.

I do consider them besieged though.


Where is this mythical place ?

Is it near Atlantis or somewhere inside an extinct volcano perhaps ?

Stop the rockets, get to the table and the "occupation" could get addressed.


Thanks for the compliment ( I think)

Don't you think that EVERY country in the world lies when it suits them to do so ?

The so-called "Palestinians" are particulary good at it though.

After all they've been lying to themselves for years so lying to the rest of the world is a snap.

It's a rare talent, like safe-cracking, if only it could be put to good use to benefit humankind. ;)


Your a very delusioned person :hihi:


Like the Devil showing the world a mirror and convincing it that its evil :hihi:

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This is fairly depressing stuff.


Of course the historical narrative is massively complicated and contested (are they ever anything other?!). But... we are where we are - I think that is the first point to accept. Given that Israel has already been formed, Palestine has already largely been occupied etc etc, we surely need only be concerned about how things might be improved into the future.


In that context I really find it difficult to see how current Israeli policy is anything other than counter-productive, hawkish and downright abhorrent. If the intention of the Israeli government is to lock itself into a state of perpetual siege then they are achieving it perfectly, see:


Provocative foreign policy judgments (heavy-handed incursions into others' sovereign territory).


The isolation of majority moderate Arab/Muslim opinion (rise of Hamas, fall out with Turkey).


The dilution of support amongst previously stong advocates (phosphorous shells aimed at UN buildings, completely illegal occupation of ships in international waters).


Unfortunately the hardliners seem to hold sway within the Israeli elite, and what we see is a spiral of mutual radicalisation - Israel guts Gaza -> Hamas become more popular, fire weapons -> Israel reacts in an even more brutal fashion, kill civilians -> Hamas once more gain in popularity, ad infinitum...


Israel, as the stronger party, must begin to exercise greater restraint and wiser judgement. They might feel threatened, but they have to take a lead in conciliation and genuine negotiation otherwise things will never change.

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Provocative foreign policy judgments (heavy-handed incursions into others' sovereign territory).
Totaly agree the Yom Kippur war comes to mind.

As soon as the Israelis kicked ass people of your ilk started bleating and demanded that they back off.

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