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Is Israel a rogue state?


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Maybe they shouldn't have given the Israelis a reason to bulldoze their houses in the first place.

If you give aid and comfort to the enemy be prepared to pay the price.

Lots of countries would shoot them out of hand.


You don't get it at all. The whole Palestinian people in Gaza is being treated as the enemy of Israel. Men, women and children.

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You don't get it at all. The whole Palestinian people in Gaza is being treated as the enemy of Israel. Men, women and children.



Of course I get it.

The whole of Germany and its partners , men, women and children were seen as the enemy and vice versa during WW2.

There's a war going on in Gaza if you hadn't noticed.

The Arabs are teaching children to take up arms and we all know that women are being recruited as suicide bombers.

Put the blame where it should be.

On the cowardly shoulders of the Hamas fighters who hide in the shadows and behind women's skirts. :gag:

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So it's legitimate to use white phosphorous, cluster bombs and helicopter gunships against civilian targets?


If the civilians are armed they become fair game.

If someone is shooting at you, be it man,woman or child you're just as dead if you get hit.

Likewise if someone is using them as cover.

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If the civilians are armed they become fair game.

If someone is shooting at you, be it man,woman or child you're just as dead if you get hit.

Likewise if someone is using them as cover.


White phosphorous? Cluster bombs? OK to use 'em?

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If the civilians are armed they become fair game.

If someone is shooting at you, be it man,woman or child you're just as dead if you get hit.

Likewise if someone is using them as cover.


And the small children and babies are armed ?


Its Hitler mentality that you talk of and yes Israel has adopted a lot of the thinking that it despised.

What happened to 6 million Jews is exactly the same, victims of a line of thought that dehumanised them, the enermy at every corner. The Jews were made scapegoats to the predicament the Germans found themselves in and they perished for it, men woman and child. Just as Israel is doing with Palistinions now.

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Moses gained the freedom of the Israelites from the Egyptians so that they could return to their homeland.


So now we foreget about Joshua and Jericho(some peaceful reoccupation).


Also Moses never entered the promised land.


The Jews did in 1947 what they did after gaining their freedom from the Egyptians which was to regain their homeland.


watch this and be proud of your kind of people ....this is how Civilized Israelis act....



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If the civilians are armed they become fair game.

If someone is shooting at you, be it man,woman or child you're just as dead if you get hit.

Likewise if someone is using them as cover.


Gaza, one of the most densely populated tracts of land in the world, is home to about 1.3m Palestinians, about 33% of whom live in United Nations-funded refugee camps.Israel Controls the sea ,air and check points except the rafah check point which egyptians control and with the agreement of Israel that check point is also blocked .So when an army bombard such a heavly populated area with f-16 fighter jets and tanks and rockets then innocent people get killed.You are surrounding them and dragging them to the corner what do you expect they will react.At least be honest and stop being hypocrite,you accept and give the rights to the Israelis and deny it to palestinians


you go and live like them and then come and tell me how you react later on




Do you recognise the pathetic liers in this video???

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And now it's the Israelis only their task is easier, we were fighting Germans they're only fighting Arabs whose national sport is suicide bombing and random rocket attacks..


Israels time will come when it will be defeated, everyone the world over has seen what Israel is really about.

Who do you think will be the number 1 target for terrorists now?

You reap what you sow.

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you go and live like them and then come and tell me how you react later on




Do you recognise the pathetic liers in this video???


1 on it's own is worth far less than the same 1 standing along side another 1 = 11. The Muslims need to stand together, so far they haven't but when they do there will be changes. They are being pushed to that inevitable goal by each action of the Israelis and the Yanks against innocent people.


After watching the video in the link you provided a question should be asked, Why wasn't an internal investigation by Al-Quieda enough for the rest of the world when clearly an internal investigation by the Zionist scum is enough to placate the West? Guess what the outcome usually is, Israel is not to blame, decided upon by the Zionist entity about itself, what a bloody surprise!!

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