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Is Israel a rogue state?


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The Israelis seem to think that if they allow unrestricted shipping movements into Gaza then their enemies will use that freedom to ship 'weapons of war' into Gaza.


Hamas has declared that it intends to remove Israel from the World map, but Israel is a 'fact of Life' as well as a legal State, so there can be little doubt that the Hamas 'declaration' is a pipe dream (Particularly as Israel already has enough weaponry to convert Hamas into a glass orb which will glow in the dark.)


OK, lets be pragmatic:


The UN (Under Wan-Ki Moon) wants Israel to rescind its maritime blockade (go check the law books: Israel is complying with international law)


Well, let the UN assume 'absolute responsibility' for any ill-effects which might smite Israel as a result of that sovereign nation ceding its rights in favour of the UN.


SO: If the Israelis give up their right to protect themselves under international law and Hamas launches a rocket (even one rocket) against Israel and that rocket causes (say) $3 million damage then the UN will pay that damage.


If the UN wants Israel to behavein a certain way, then presumably the UN is prepared to pay the costs.


I don't much like the Israelis (Sorry about that - nothing racist - merely personal)


BUT: I'm really fed up with hearing loads of crap about how the Israelis should give back the land they occupied (and particularly the land they won in the Golan heights.)


The '67 war was very real to me.


The King of Jordan's Personal Pilot's son (Bob) was a good friend of mine.

I had another friend (Chris) who was a Jew (English and blond-haired, but still a Jew.)


Then there was me and we were having the 7-day war.


Things did get heated (but fortunately, none of us were flying Muslim aircraft. ('Aircraft Ahmed'.)


During the war, there was a great deal of tension - and in my group, I was in the middle and didn't really understand it. At the end of the war, it was over.


The Jews didn't start the war - but the ended up winning it. I don't see why they should give the land back - they didn't start it, but they didn't come second, either.


If the Jews don't want Palestinians in Israel, then that's their right. Let the Palestinians grow oranges and vegetables (or whatever else they want to do) in Palestine and let them have un-restricted access to the Med through Gaza port. I've no doubt there would be a ready market for their stuff.


Why does Egypt not keep its border open full-time?


Why don't the Jordanians welcome their Palestinian brethren with open arms?


Why don't the Syrians welcome their Palestinian brethren with open arms?


(It wouldn't be because the Egyptians, Syrians and Jordanians have ' a problem' with their brethren, would it?

It's great to see more people on this forum who can see the wood for the trees and tell it as it really is.


Rupert_Baehr, excellent post keep it up.:thumbsup:

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What are you on? It looks like you've been smoking the hookah too much.




God gave the land to the Jews but the Arabs wanted it just like they wanted the Byzantine Empire and the rest of the known world and probably still do. So ancient history is still relevant to the situation today.


If the Jews wanted to ethnically cleanse the area, they could do it in a more efficient way then they have been doing.


I am unware that the Jews drew up a contract with God, can you state specifically the details of that contract?


Do some reading on the subject you wish to debate and come back when you know more of what God promised the Jews and what their scriptures say. Till then:wave:

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It's great to see more people on this forum who can see the wood for the trees and tell it as it really is.


Rupert_Baehr, excellent post keep it up.:thumbsup:


Translation- It's daft and thankless task trying to defend murderous Zionists and thankful for any help given.:D

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tab1 take it easy on him mate,he must be insecure just like the rest of the pro-israeli lot here who moan and play the victim all the time and when you argue with them you can see how ignorant and pathetic these people are.If I was you I would put him in the corner of the block list or even better, just ignore him he is just amusing us here :)


Alot of talking going on here mate but a few posts are worth reading but definately not his.


Make sure that you put your fingers in your ears whilst singing "La,la,la,la " at the same time.

Pretty effective in your case. ;)

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So sayeth the leading Troll.:loopy:
So is this an admission that you can't or are unable to learn anything new. Go on give it a go you may find it enlightening to learn the truth and it's nothing to do with Muslims but what the Jewish scriptures say and how the Zionists are actually going against their basic foundations of Judaism.
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Do some reading on the subject you wish to debate and come back when you know more of what God promised the Jews and what their scriptures say. Till then:wave:


I have read th subject and I can't find any reference to the contract, can you point me in the right direction?

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So is this an admission that you can't or are unable to learn anything new. Go on give it a go you may find it enlightening to learn the truth and it's nothing to do with Muslims but what the Jewish scriptures say and how the Zionists are actually going against their basic foundations of Judaism.


As the old saying goes, people who live in glass houses ....

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As the old saying goes, people who live in glass houses ....
To teach the people of any religion aspects of their own religion would be like the scum who try to teach Islam to the Muslims. You may however wish to look closely at tractate Ketuboth, verse 111 of the Talmud, for clarification. If you do understand it then please explain how the Zionists are not going against the will of the God of Abraham?


And chuffinel, are you enjoying your new role of second fiddle?:suspect:

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