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Is Israel a rogue state?


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Make sure that you put your fingers in your ears whilst singing "La,la,la,la " at the same time.

Pretty effective in your case. ;)


You just proved me right .Do us a favour unplugg your computer cable and stop your spam to this forum as I said earlier your whole posts are worthless to read you just keep repeating yourself and no one takes any of your posts for real.While I know you are a loyal Israeli dog that eats what Israelis feeds you,stop barking you will only bite your tale on here

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The palestinians are in the position they are in due to what is classed as a 'self infilicted injury', true their conduct has brought a sometimes over reaction by the Israelis.

You fire Rockets into a country and you get your ass kicked, you set off suicide bombs attacking civillians you get your ass kicked.


When will they learn to ignore their warmongering terrorist leaders and fanatical religious leaders and just get down to proving that they can live alongside the Israelis in a civilised manner.


Just when the lot of israeli people are willing to live in peace and give these people their lands back and stop the state terrorism that they are faced with since 62 years or so.

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Despite your mate's attempt to derail the discussion Mecky username, please try and respond to post #513


Sorry, was busy doing other stuff like work and cooking etc. What, you mean the 3 oaths? Israel is just defending itself from other nations and may I remind you of the 3 oaths of which two relate to the Jews and the third relates to other nations treatment of the Jews. But why shouldn't the Jews have the right to defend themselves and if they wanted to rebel against other nations, why aren't they attacking regimes like Iran who have threatened to wipe Israel from the Earth? The answer is because it's just talk and Iran hasn't yet attacked Israel.


If someone punched me I would punch them back but it wouldn't be me who started the fight.

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If someone punched me I would punch them back but it wouldn't be me who started the fight.

You can go further than that, if someone threw stones at you your allowed to fire tank shells at them in the modern world. If you don't get on with the neighbours your allowed to roll a bulldozer through the neighbourhood until you get people living next door who think like you.


Hey and if you hijack people at sea its claimed 4 bullets to the head is in order if they don't like the idea.

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You can go further than that, if someone threw stones at you your allowed to fire tank shells at them in the modern world. If you don't get on with the neighbours your allowed to roll a bulldozer through the neighbourhood until you get people living next door who think like you.


Hey and if you hijack people at sea its claimed 4 bullets to the head is in order if they don't like the idea.


Make your mind up please.

Is it the head or the chest ?

Maybe it was in the ass.

It changes according to whims and who is posting.

Could it have been (gasp) even in the foot.

Suppose it depends which way you place the corpse on the autopsy table. :rolleyes:

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Just when the lot of israeli people are willing to live in peace and give these people their lands back and stop the state terrorism that they are faced with since 62 years or so.


How about reposting that in English or something similar ?

I,and some others are not familiar with Arabic sentence structures. :rolleyes:

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Sorry, was busy doing other stuff like work and cooking etc. What, you mean the 3 oaths? Israel is just defending itself from other nations and may I remind you of the 3 oaths of which two relate to the Jews and the third relates to other nations treatment of the Jews. But why shouldn't the Jews have the right to defend themselves and if they wanted to rebel against other nations, why aren't they attacking regimes like Iran who have threatened to wipe Israel from the Earth? The answer is because it's just talk and Iran hasn't yet attacked Israel.


If someone punched me I would punch them back but it wouldn't be me who started the fight.


Don't try using logic it just goes over their heads. :hihi:

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You just proved me right .Do us a favour unplugg your computer cable and stop your spam to this forum as I said earlier your whole posts are worthless to read you just keep repeating yourself and no one takes any of your posts for real.While I know you are a loyal Israeli dog that eats what Israelis feeds you,stop barking you will only bite your tale on here


Thought I was going onto your ignore list.

You know that real spam consists of pork ?

Seems to me that lots of right thinking people on here agree with my viewpoint.

What are you eating from the so-called Palestinian supporters ?

Doesn't appeal to me because of the smell.

Good for fertilizer though. :hihi::hihi:

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Sorry, was busy doing other stuff like work and cooking etc. What, you mean the 3 oaths? Israel is just defending itself from other nations and may I remind you of the 3 oaths of which two relate to the Jews and the third relates to other nations treatment of the Jews. But why shouldn't the Jews have the right to defend themselves and if they wanted to rebel against other nations, why aren't they attacking regimes like Iran who have threatened to wipe Israel from the Earth? The answer is because it's just talk and Iran hasn't yet attacked Israel.


If someone punched me I would punch them back but it wouldn't be me who started the fight.

Aah the three oaths, so you know that something that you have so far ignored actually exists, that is a step forward although you seem to deny the meaning or are trying desperately to attribute a different set of meanings to the situation. The one that suggests that the "The Jews for their part are sworn not to go up from Exile to the Land of Israel en masse and not to rebel against the other nations. The creation of the state of Israel is founded on breaking of the very oath of the Jewish religion that the Zionts base their right to the land on. The rest of the wafle about defending a nation that should not be there is pointless posturing from the apologists of the Murderous zionist regime that has changed scriptures to suite their own agenda. So please explain to us why the Zionists should even be regarded as Jews aftre breaking the very rules that the religion is based upon?


You talk of defense of Israel so how can you call a blockade of Gaza and denial of access to buliding materials as a defense of Israel?


We have all heard of the translation much hyped by the Zionists about Ahmadinajad wishing to wipe Israel off the map, and we have seen he didn't actually say that. That is just another example of propaganda put out to portray victim-hood of the Zionists.

This from wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahmoud_Ahmadinejad_and_Israel#Clarifying_comments_by_Ahmadinejad,

And asked if he objected to the government of Israel or Jewish people, he said that "creating an objection against the Zionists doesn't mean that there are objections against the Jewish". He added that Jews lived in Iran and were represented in the country's parliament.


Maybe the Jewish story of Simon can inspire the Palestinians or was it David against a larger Bully who thought just like an Israeli, Goliath. Their scriptures are full of self victim complex.

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