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Is Israel a rogue state?


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Make your mind up please.

Is it the head or the chest ?

Maybe it was in the ass.

It changes according to whims and who is posting.

Could it have been (gasp) even in the foot.

Suppose it depends which way you place the corpse on the autopsy table. :rolleyes:

Such a sado rejoicing at death of people poking fun at them as though somehow they are your personal enemy, you are forgetting it seems that this is a discussion board and you are not at war with other posters chuff:roll: Death comes to us all and it will be your turn one day and it probably will be no laughing matter. Do you think terrorists talking of death of westerners and poking fun are justified as a reflection of your attitude towards the Palestinians, even when they are no terrorists but simply civilians?
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If the Jews were driven into the sea or eradicated by some other method, who would the Arabs blame for the world's problems then ?

After all they are responsible for global warming/cooling, shark attacks, oil spills, earthquakes, economic downturns, bankruptcies, childhood obesity and anything else that springs to mind.

If you want to use biased information don't try to cloak it as factual. :suspect:


I have no interest in who the arabs blame for their problems probably their god since he started everything for them.

The rest of this post is gibberish on a par with most of your posts on this topic and the website linked is biased but it is still factual and referenced, i can only assume you either did not read anything or that your eyes are so blinded by zionism that you failed to undrstand a word of it.

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Make your mind up please.

Is it the head or the chest ?

Maybe it was in the ass.

It changes according to whims and who is posting.

Could it have been (gasp) even in the foot.

Suppose it depends which way you place the corpse on the autopsy table. :rolleyes:


The dead man reffered to in this post was apparently shot four times in the head and once in the chest, the rest of your post facetious as it is is not far from the truth since the dead men were shot in various parts of their annatomy.

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Thought I was going onto your ignore list.

You know that real spam consists of pork ?

Seems to me that lots of right thinking people on here agree with my viewpoint.

What are you eating from the so-called Palestinian supporters ?

Doesn't appeal to me because of the smell.

Good for fertilizer though. :hihi::hihi:


You made me laugh there as most of your posts ,glad you told me something useful,that you and pork from the same species.as I mentioned earlier you just amuse us here so keep trying make us laugh at ya and let us find how stupid and insecure you are .You eat what they feed you chuv-it-in.So now shut up and off you go to the corner again sit and bite your tale :)

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Make your mind up please.

Is it the head or the chest ?

Maybe it was in the ass.

It changes according to whims and who is posting.

Could it have been (gasp) even in the foot.

Suppose it depends which way you place the corpse on the autopsy table. :rolleyes:


9 were murdered not 1


Some in the head, some in the chest, Some Israelies even suffered deck chair wounds.




Everything ok on the spelling front ???

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The answer is because it's just talk and Iran hasn't yet attacked Israel.


If someone punched me I would punch them back but it wouldn't be me who started the fight.


Israel attacked the Iraqi and the libyan nuclear facilities even before they were functioning,same thing happened to a syrian building they attacked last year which they suspected it was a nuclear project.The reason Israel didn't attack Iran so far because they are scared to death if a war started in the area.Americans also would not let them do so as they have enough headache in Afghanistan and Iraq .They have Hizbollah in the north and syria from the Golan heights and Iran would be pouring its missles on their heads. So if they really want to live in the area they better shake hands with people in the area and not punch them all the time.

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9 were murdered not 1


Some in the head, some in the chest, Some Israelies even suffered deck chair wounds.




Everything ok on the spelling front ???


yup I can see your english is pretty fine there hard2miss :) or me and you should go to the same class to learn english what do you think?


or shall we learn more about pork species in SF

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I look at it like this Israel are going down a road of self distruction for some unknown reason, they are dragging everyone into a whirlpool of their own creation and the end resuilt can only be total distruction of the whole region.


Ok so they are a nuclear nation but if it changed and another Arab state got nukes then the balance would be made and then a war against the Arab nations would not be as pallatable, given that they would be attacked on all fronts and the lot would go up but not before Israel perrished.


Now from that sinario you can work out why they are in fear and have the siege mentality they have imagined to be around them. If they push and push enough then what they want least will come about so why is no one REALLY genuine about creating actual Real peace ?

Israel should honour their own oaths and welcome their Arab nieghbours into unconditional talks about where they are today and where they want to be.

Open arms appease the others fears on both sides and live in the promised co-existance.


Only fear and resentment is keeping this conflict going and as the dominant side Israel should lead the way.

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Aah the three oaths, so you know that something that you have so far ignored actually exists, that is a step forward although you seem to deny the meaning or are trying desperately to attribute a different set of meanings to the situation. The one that suggests that the "The Jews for their part are sworn not to go up from Exile to the Land of Israel en masse and not to rebel against the other nations. The creation of the state of Israel is founded on breaking of the very oath of the Jewish religion that the Zionts base their right to the land on. The rest of the wafle about defending a nation that should not be there is pointless posturing from the apologists of the Murderous zionist regime that has changed scriptures to suite their own agenda. So please explain to us why the Zionists should even be regarded as Jews aftre breaking the very rules that the religion is based upon?


You talk of defense of Israel so how can you call a blockade of Gaza and denial of access to buliding materials as a defense of Israel?


We have all heard of the translation much hyped by the Zionists about Ahmadinajad wishing to wipe Israel off the map, and we have seen he didn't actually say that. That is just another example of propaganda put out to portray victim-hood of the Zionists.

This from wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahmoud_Ahmadinejad_and_Israel#Clarifying_comments_by_Ahmadinejad,


Maybe the Jewish story of Simon can inspire the Palestinians or was it David against a larger Bully who thought just like an Israeli, Goliath. Their scriptures are full of self victim complex.



You know what? You're being deliberately obtuse. You are only looking at the situation from only one angle, probably because you want or have been told to take those views. How do you expect to rememedy a problem if you can't consider alernatives and their consequences? It seems that you are entrenched in your own views and that is only going to result in conflict.

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yup I can see your english is pretty fine there hard2miss :) or me and you should go to the same class to learn english what do you think?


or shall we learn more about pork species in SF


Pedant alert !

Train is leaving from platform one soon.

First stop, how and when to use capital letters. :rolleyes:

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