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Is Israel a rogue state?


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Did they when was that then, and how did you swim out of it chuff?:hihi: Tell us did you gargle any?:D


I see you didn't respond to rest of the post.

Yom Kippur, remember it? unprovoked attack, no decalration of war which is against international rules of war, it seem only the Israelis have to play the 'White Man'
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Yom Kippur, remember it? unprovoked attack, no decalration of war which is against international rules of war, it seem only the Israelis have to play the 'White Man'


it would be nice if they adhered to the UN resolutions though :)

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So you agree that the palestinians in Gaza are terrorist supporters.


is that your justification for the continued collective punishment on the people of gaza who see hamas as the only party standing up for there rights.


a struggle by the minority is viewed only as terrorism by those in power.

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democratically elected terrorists :)


bull****. Hamas were supposed to buckle under the authority of the elected Palestinian President under the constitution. The elections they won were only for the legislature, not the executive.


Hamas basically seceeded from the Palestinian Authority by means of a violent coup, quite strikingly similar to the way the southern US states seceeded from the rest in the US civil war.

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Although untrue but funny never the less:hihi::hihi:. Old chuff has walked into such a logical labyrinth in the previous post.;)


Christ or Mohammed (whichever you prefer) What are you on about ?

Your thought process is a wonder to behold.

Goldmine for a good analyst.

Whatever it is I see you have me front and centre, any publicity is better than no publicity, I suppose.

Have you put any more thought into my question regarding equality between Muslim men and women or are tab2,3 and 4 trying to come up with something between them ?

Maybe I should try to re-phrase it in simpler terms.

Reminds me a little of the "Monty Python" sketch where the guy complains that his brain hurts.

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Christ or Mohammed (whichever you prefer) What are you on about ?

Your thought process is a wonder to behold.

Goldmine for a good analyst.

Whatever it is I see you have me front and centre, any publicity is better than no publicity, I suppose.

Have you put any more thought into my question regarding equality between Muslim men and women or are tab2,3 and 4 trying to come up with something between them ?

Maybe I should try to re-phrase it in simpler terms.

Reminds me a little of the "Monty Python" sketch where the guy complains that his brain hurts.

Read back chuff and find out what a logical labyrinth is, no more explanation needed, you walked into admitting something you didn't intend and now pretending that you don't even understand, are you really that simple chuff?


Who or what are you to question how Muslims do things and why the hell should I be answering and explaining to a moron like you anyway, have you actually posted anything civil to me to expect as such in return?

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Read back chuff and find out what a logical labyrinth is, no more explanation needed, you walked into admitting something you didn't intend and now pretending that you don't even understand, are you really that simple chuff?


Who or what are you to question how Muslims do things and why the hell should I be answering and explaining to a moron like you anyway, have you actually posted anything civil to me to expect as such in return?


So cutting through all the smoke and mirrors you don't think that women have equal rights in the Muslim world then ?

You know you really should consider a political career.

You throw red herrings around like crazy and still can't answer without spouting a lot of defensive drivel.

Are your alter egos getting their wires crossed and losing track of who's turn it is to answer. ?

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