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Is Israel a rogue state?


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Although untrue but funny never the less:hihi::hihi:. Old chuff has walked into such a logical labyrinth in the previous post.;)


Of course not but the point was : " there were no Israelis back then " pretty smart :D .Who is chuff,you mean Highfield oh wait a sec....is it both cause one log off then the second log back on and both talks same sh*t :hihi:

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but the right-wing Zionist movements who are most to blame! As with the vast majority of right-wing idealogies, peace and progressive evolution is only acceptable if you are already one of the chosen few, swimming in filthy lucre.


common misconception among the hazily ill-informed. There's nothing in the least bit 'right wing' about Zionism as an ideology. Zionists can be on all parts of the political spectrum. Checked out Hugo Chavez' nationalistic rants recently? Is he right wing as well?


calling Zionism 'right wing' for the sake of it is especially innapropriate, as socialist Zionism was very important in the Jewish settlement in Palestine. Labour unions, the kibbutz movement and the socialist Mapai played a major part in the campaign for an Israeli state, and socialist politicians like David Ben-Gurion and Golda Meir were among the most prominent founders of the nation.

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I agree to the extent that not all real jews are supporting israel its the Zionist that have control over this rogue state. "Wild Tiger" isreal is never accused falsely rather protected falsely by its next of kin amaerica. Recently attacked on Aid ship to gaza on international waters is what i can give an example. They have sent the edited clips (which the recorded for this intention) to many news channels and blammed unarmed civillians attacked thier commondos.. what a joke. See this clip and you will realise that its killing and an act of pirating in internation waters



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israel has a right to exist and defend itself it is not a rouge state
Ang on, if Palistinions want a right to exist and defend themselves then here in the west we deam them Terrorists. If Israel is not a rogue state with its actions and lack of concern about world wide condemnation then what is ? Its the epithany of a rogue state.
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Ang on, if Palistinions want a right to exist and defend themselves then here in the west we deam them Terrorists. If Israel is not a rogue state with its actions and lack of concern about world wide condemnation then what is ? Its the epithany of a rogue state.


you are wrong, the palistinions support mass murder.

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