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Is Israel a rogue state?


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I still dont understand how some one has the right to go to some other's house, throw him out of its own house, make him a rafugee and takes over the house and says its my right to live here as i dont have any house??



this happened in cyprus when the turks ousted the greek cypriots....did it not happen in serbia...now it is happening in kurdistan...its called survival of the fittest....the israelies rule the roost and even the arab states class the palestinians as lepers...sad but true....you can protest til the cows come home it will make no difference...the world is pre-occupied with the world cup...

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I still dont understand how some one has the right to go to some other's house, throw him out of its own house, make him a rafugee and takes over the house and says its my right to live here as i dont have any house??
Israel has reclaimed its homeland that it was ousted from 2 thousand years ago, it was promised it around 1919.

It would make more sense if you kicked out the Austrians who today still occupy Jewish houses stolen by the Nazis or give them all monet etc stashed away in Swiss Banks by the fascists that was stolen from the Jews.

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What against Israel?? With their Palestinian Sticks-and-stones of mass destruction? Please! Don't make me laugh!!

Spoken klike a typical truth distorting islamist, it would be very easy to form the opinion that you are of the muslim faith.


Sticks and stones aren't rocket propelled, neither are suicide vests sticks and stones. Please! Don't make me laugh!!

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Supporting mass murder by getting killed by Israelis!! If this what you mean then you are not wrong!


Are we foregetting the daily rocket attacks. There's no shortage of rockets in Gaza is there? Strange isn't it, no food/medicines but plenty of munitions, are you starting to get the picture? you've been had!

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Are we foregetting the daily rocket attacks. There's no shortage of rockets in Gaza is there? Strange isn't it, no food/medicines but plenty of munitions, are you starting to get the picture? you've been had!


and you are swallowing the lies that the Palestinans are using weapons of mass "stick-druckstion" *cough*


I don't see many reports of "Palestinians parking bulldozers on the heads of Humanitarian Aid Workers" hitting the news.

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but the right-wing Zionist movements who are most to blame! As with the vast majority of right-wing idealogies, peace and progressive evolution is only acceptable if you are already one of the chosen few, swimming in filthy lucre.


common misconception among the hazily ill-informed. There's nothing in the least bit 'right wing' about Zionism as an ideology. Zionists can be on all parts of the political spectrum. Checked out Hugo Chavez' nationalistic rants recently? Is he right wing as well?


calling Zionism 'right wing' for the sake of it is especially innapropriate, as socialist Zionism was very important in the Jewish settlement in Palestine. Labour unions, the kibbutz movement and the socialist Mapai played a major part in the campaign for an Israeli state, and socialist politicians like David Ben-Gurion and Golda Meir were among the most prominent founders of the nation.


This is the equivalent of saying that Hitler's was a socialist movement and all the mobility of the masses and motorway building and the people's car and back to work program for all Germans was indeed not a right wing affair, so were the Nazis actually right wing or not?:huh:

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