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Is Israel a rogue state?


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This is the equivalent of saying that Hitler's was a socialist movement and all the mobility of the masses and motorway building and the people's car and back to work program for all Germans was indeed not a right wing affair, so were the Nazis actually right wing or not?:huh:


ah, but, Tab, you forget, at least in Hitler's Germany, the trains ran on time!! ;)

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Are we foregetting the daily rocket attacks. There's no shortage of rockets in Gaza is there? Strange isn't it, no food/medicines but plenty of munitions, are you starting to get the picture? you've been had!

People are capable of making their own minds up on who is pulling the wool over who's eyes and the majority of people are more than happy to point the finger at Israel even with all its propaganda and sympathetic western media. People are way smarter than your sort think they are, hence you being a lone voice and mutliple accounts on here to fight your corner.


I pretty much don't care for you anymore the fun has gone out of listening to your BS, so for me you can spew your lies and oppinions on here until the cows come home, Im off to look at some clips of the Israeli footage that was on Sky for a laugh.

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Israel has reclaimed its homeland that it was ousted from 2 thousand years ago, it was promised it around 1919.

It would make more sense if you kicked out the Austrians who today still occupy Jewish houses stolen by the Nazis or give them all monet etc stashed away in Swiss Banks by the fascists that was stolen from the Jews.


Kick out the americans from USA as most of them are from europe, kick out the english as they are from normandy, kick out australians as they are not native, what a joke!!

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And the Israeli cowardly terrorist hide behind the US.


Whats your point ?


So you agree with Hamas hiding behind defenceless women and children?:loopy:


so your not denying the zionist cowardly rogue state hiding behind the US either ;)

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and you are swallowing the lies that the Palestinans are using weapons of mass "stick-druckstion" *cough*


I don't see many reports of "Palestinians parking bulldozers on the heads of Humanitarian Aid Workers" hitting the news.


Yes but nobody seems to be able to answer about how thay can get rockets instead of food and medical aid.

It's not 'Rocket Science' (Pardon the pun) to give a simple answer surely, just a simple answer regarding Rockets/munitions over all other needs.


You know, rocket = big

Bandage = small

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so your not denying the zionist cowardly rogue state hiding behind the US either ;)

I didn't see the valiant Israelis hiding behind the US whereas the cowardly hamas where hiding behind their own women and children when firing rockets into Israel.


Just shows how they degrade and devalue their own women and children; far more than the anti Israel lobby in fact.

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But in reality they have no relationship to each other, because rockets and food tend to come from different places.


So do expand on these "different places", I mean it's not as if there's the 'ACME Rocket Shop' in the middle of the desert and not a 24hr minimarket is it?:hihi::hihi::hihi:

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Yes but nobody seems to be able to answer about how thay can get rockets instead of food and medical aid.

It's not 'Rocket Science' (Pardon the pun) to give a simple answer surely, just a simple answer regarding Rockets/munitions over all other needs.


You know, rocket = big

Bandage = small

Nobody is able to answer? Indeed nobody is able to answer how a country that has threatened all it's neighbours, invaded and occupied land of others threatens to Murder anyone with impunity, used British and Australian people's identities to clone passports in order to commit Murder, has bombed civilians and targeted little children deliberately, bombed schools and refugee centres, bombed UN food storage facilities to make life difficult for the people food was intended for, bombed and killed UN workers is rewarded by assistance in building nuclear facility and supplied with nuclear materials to build such munitions, and yet you have the Gaul to question where these hapless Plaestinians are getting the rockets from?:rant:
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