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Is Israel a rogue state?


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I didn't see the valiant Israelis hiding behind the US whereas the cowardly hamas where hiding behind their own women and children when firing rockets into Israel.


Just shows how they degrade and devalue their own women and children; far more than the anti Israel lobby in fact.


where was hamas when the rogue state dropped cluster bombs in civilian areas showing the world the cowardly way in which they couldn't care less which goyim dies.


In the last 72 hours of fighting, Israel dropped over 4 million cluster bomblets over south Lebanon, at a time when the Security Council had already adopted Resolution 1701 calling for the immediate cessation of hostilities. Around 40 percent of the bomblets failed to detonate, according to the UN, turning into de facto land mines. A total of 273 civilians and 57 deminers have since been killed or maimed by cluster bombs.



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This is the equivalent of saying that Hitler's was a socialist movement and all the mobility of the masses and motorway building and the people's car and back to work program for all Germans was indeed not a right wing affair, so were the Nazis actually right wing or not?:huh:


of course they were, but Israel wasn't, at least not for the first 30 years of its existence. It was governed continously by left wing governments right up until 1977 and elected Communist MPs well into the 1970s.


the anti-Israel crowd always want to assume that because they think that they hold the 'progressive' high ground, that Israelis must necessarily be right wing in their politics. Unfortunately for them, they're not, particularly. The present government is more right wing than most, that's true, but usually Israeli governments are no more right wing than most of the other liberal democracies in Europe.


the juvenile anti-Israel crowd can never resist trying to draw a comparison between totalitarian dictatorships and Israel, but such comparisons are just infantile. Israel is one of the more vibrant liberal democracies in the world, and about as unlike Nazi Germany as it is possible to imagine.

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Nobody is able to answer? :

Nobody is prepared to answer because the truth is that Israel will be shown not to be a rogue state when the first person speaks the truth about it.


They choos to place bombs and rockets before anything else.


So I'll keep asking.

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where was hamas when the rogue state dropped cluster bombs in civilian areas showing the world the cowardly way in which they couldn't care less which goyim dies.

But we're talking about hamas being able to get rockets and nothing else.


So please answer.

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they get them for active resistance against persecution of the palestinian people as a whole in the occupied territories by the rogue state, if the 1967 borders and east jerusalem was given to the palestinians as internationally recognised and allowed to live in peace and govern as they see fit. majority hamas support would cease.

simple really

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One shoots the other the other shoots back..simple solution one stop firing the other no need to shoot back,we hear about superior fire power etc but a rockets a rocket and capable of killing ,it doesn't matter one bit if the rockets kill 1 or 1000 they are all capable of causing loss of life.

War is not meant to be fair the ones with the greater power are not about to downsize simply because the other side is short on weaponry.

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