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Is Israel a rogue state?


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I am not sure how North and South Korea fits in though?

North Korea as with so many other failing despot regimes uses bravado to mask over internal problems.

Hamas is no different, they stir up trouble with Israel to detract from their own miserable failings.

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North Korea as with so many other failing despot regimes uses bravado to mask over internal problems.

Hamas is no different, they stir up trouble with Israel to detract from their own miserable failings.

The Hamas exist today as a reaction to treatment of Palestinian people by Israeli state and if the suppression, imprisonment and collective punishments stop then it won't take long before Hamas disappears also. Therefore their only reason for existence is to be a thorn in the side of Israel and not to live up to other people's ideals.
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Starting topics with one sided titles doesn't help matters though.
Yes it does, the topic is about what it is about, its only people that come on with the other side of the argument that takes the debate in other directions.

There is absolutly nothing wrong with anyone starting a topic up about Palestinions other than the fact that they have a great deal of sympathy for their plight at the moment so it maybe would not go the way you would expect and end up with more contraversay than this way round.


Start one.

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It's amazing that some of us can see logic, common sense, fairness etc.


You don't go up to a big guy, hit him and then complain that he hit you harder than you hit him when he puts your lights out, well if you're stupid

maybe you would.

No but have you ever heard the saying that you have to stand up to bullies no matter how big they are ?
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but the right-wing Zionist movements who are most to blame! As with the vast majority of right-wing idealogies, peace and progressive evolution is only acceptable if you are already one of the chosen few, swimming in filthy lucre.


common misconception among the hazily ill-informed. There's nothing in the least bit 'right wing' about Zionism as an ideology. Zionists can be on all parts of the political spectrum. Checked out Hugo Chavez' nationalistic rants recently? Is he right wing as well?


calling Zionism 'right wing' for the sake of it is especially innapropriate, as socialist Zionism was very important in the Jewish settlement in Palestine. Labour unions, the kibbutz movement and the socialist Mapai played a major part in the campaign for an Israeli state, and socialist politicians like David Ben-Gurion and Golda Meir were among the most prominent founders of the nation.


Muddying the waters again, nit picking and over complicating basic moral truths!

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I said you should be suspect when looking at anything from Rense:




His views have been edited to make it look like he is advocating something he isn't.


Wikipedia can be subject to similar problems, but at least with wikipedia you can check the editing history and comments sections.


Point taken again but as I said the radio broadcast did happen and the quotes are directly from it.

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The finger of suspicion over the murder of a Hamas commander in Dubai is firmly pointing at Israel and in particular its intelligence agency Mossad.


The Dubai police chief has said that


"It is 99%, if not 100%, sure that Mossad is standing behind the murder,"


So far Israeli diplomats have pleaded ignorance whilst other Israeli politicians have steadfastly refused to comment, saying that Israel's policy on such matters is neither to confirm nor deny.


Given Israel's history of covert killing is rent-a-gob Respect MP George Galloway correct when he refers to Israel as a "rogue state"?


no they are not a rogue state.

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