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Is Israel a rogue state?


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You have modified the quote somewhat Rioja, or the BBc have changed what they reported.


The report (now) says he said:


"He is 99% sure of the involvement of Israeli agents in Mahmoud al-Mabhouh's death".


However they have presented no evidence to backup such a claim and I'm sorry just about each and every Arab state takes turns in throwing mud at Israel but rarely give any hard evidence to ground their claims.


If there is evidence to prove that Israel was behind the murder then present it to the world so we can all make an educated judgement.

Any more excuses on behalf of the most dangerous regime on earth serapis? Even after our Government statement today?
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Doesn't need much to decide from evidence, clearly the Zionists are the biggest danger to world stability, yet the scum love to play the victim.


Whilst there is no doubt that Israel and its citizens have been wronged in the past, there is no doubt that they treat their Palestinian neighbors as nothing more than 3rd class citizens, hence they have no qualms in killing innocent Palestinians.


If you get to watch "To Shoot An Elephant", I urge you to watch it.



It's a eyewitness filmed account from inside Gaza during the bombing.

You saw unedited footage of children maimed, dying or dead being rushed into hospital.

You see bombs as they are dropped near hospitals and ambulance crews without warning, there was no firing from the Palestinian side, and yet bombs were still dropped.


You will see an embedded tv crew riding in an ambulance, when the clearly uniformed ambulance workers with stretcher go to recover a dead body the ambulance men are fired upon and one ambulance crew members is wounded.

You will see Ambulance workers in the film talking on camera, the next shot you see is the dead body of the same ambulance worker that had appeared on camera.


If anyone really thinks the IDF play by the rules as they always claim to, then just watch "To Shoot An Elephant"......I'm sure you will be shocked and appalled, the footage says it all.

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US was angered about Netanyahu's continued insistence of building settlements in disputed territory.


As you rightly say, the West Bank is not 'occupied' but 'disputed', and it has mostly been administered by the PA since 1993. Under Resolution 242, Israel is entitled to administer the West Bank until a peace deal is achieved, but under the Oslo Accords agreement was reached with the PLO for them to administer it instead.


UNSCR 242 calls on all parties to the conflict to negotiate a solution. It anticipates that Israel will withdraw to secure borders (not specified in the resolution) in exchange for peace guarantees from the Arab parties. The Resolution was carefully worded to require that Israel withdraw from "territories" rather than "the territories." This construction, leaving out "the," was intentional, because it was not envisioned that Israel would withdraw from all the territories, thereby returning to the vulnerable pre '67 borders.


there is no doubt that they treat their Palestinian neighbors as nothing more than 3rd class citizens.


with a very few exceptions, residents of the West Bank and Gaza are not Israeli citizens at all. Those territories, as well as Gaza, but unlike Golan and east Jerusalem were not annexed by Israel after '67. Nearly all Golan Arab residents are Israeli citizens, with equal rights under the law. Fewer east Jerusalem Arabs are citizens - many rejected Israel's offer of citizenship shortly after '67 - but most are legal Israeli residents and can vote in Jerusalem municipal, though not Israeli national elections, just like legal EU UK residents can vote in UK European and local elections, but not, being foreign nationals, national general elections.


in the last years of Oslo, when it looked like a peace deal might be achieved, and that a Palestinian state might become a reality, the Israelis became inundated with applications from east Jerusalem Arab residents for citizenship. A lot clearly fancied their futures as being Israeli citizens rather than Palestinians. An embarrassed PA had to ask the Israelis to stop processing the applications.


as for this settlement expansion, few people have appeared to notice that a third of the

5000 new homes are earmarked for Jerusalem Arab families, whose rate of natural growth is even greater than their Jewish neighbours.

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Oh how the resolutions and their numbers are quoted parrot fashion by the Zionist apologists whilst ignoring the very same UN when it goes against their greedy desires. Can you recall any resolution numbers that have been ignored by the Zionist state callippo? Can you name the UN workers killed by the IDF, do you really care for any other human life at all other than the Zionists? Do the Israelis actually care for the truth?

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Indeed, there is no deceit in the use of the UN to declare Palestine as a land without people. There is no deceit in use of the veto at the UN to protect illegitimacy of the American offspring. There indeed is no deceit in the ethnic cleansing started before creation of the Zionist state and continues till this day. There is absolutely no deceit indeed, for the blinkered supporters of Israel.


No serapis, I don't mean the few thousand year old prophecy, but the deceit of the Zionists to break every rule of decent conduct to attain their desired goal. The six million figure has been part of the prophecy also since before the holocaust and no denying there were millions killed but the six million has been conveniently used more for connecting to a prophecy of the scriptures.

Isnt this the same reasoning and thinking as Nick Griffin,he doesnt question the Holocaust only the numbers,seems as though Muslims and Griffin have things in common

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Could one of the pro-Palestinian apologists on here explain to me why the Palestinian and Arab media is so full of "Destroy Israel, kill the Jews" rhetoric - including Palestinian children being taught these vile spewings in school - and yet in the western media the Palestinians like to put themselves forward as "the poor down-trodden victims"? Don't try to deny that this stuff exists in vast quantities, you know full well it does.


Why, when the peace negotiations were so close to success a few years back, did the Palestinians manage to so comprehensively shoot themselves in the foot by their uncivilised actions, (I'm being politer than the situation actually merited, to say the least), and put a stop to proceedings? You'd almost think it was in the interests of the Palestinian hierarchy to keep the legitimate desires of the Palestinian people for statehood permanently in abeyance to further their own self-serving and downright corrupt ends.


Or is that just me refusing to believe the Palestinian propaganda that so many of the gullible in the West are happy to be sucked in by?


Oh, and in answer to the OP - No, they are just a democracy trying to live amongst neighbours who are taught from childhood to hate them. I don't know of any other nation in the world that is in such a position.

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