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Is Israel a rogue state?


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Could one of the pro-Palestinian apologists on here explain to me why the Palestinian and Arab media is so full of "Destroy Israel, kill the Jews" rhetoric - including Palestinian children being taught these vile spewings in school - and yet in the western media the Palestinians like to put themselves forward as "the poor down-trodden victims"? Don't try to deny that this stuff exists in vast quantities, you know full well it does.

How would you expect the media of any group who've been ethnically cleansed, brutally occupied, subjected to apartheid... by the Israelis to portray the Israelis?


Why, when the peace negotiations were so close to success a few years back, did the Palestinians manage to so comprehensively shoot themselves in the foot by their uncivilised actions, (I'm being politer than the situation actually merited, to say the least), and put a stop to proceedings? You'd almost think it was in the interests of the Palestinian hierarchy to keep the legitimate desires of the Palestinian people for statehood permanently in abeyance to further their own self-serving and downright corrupt ends.

Maybe you should get your info from sources other than peddlers of Zionist propaganda, the peace process has never had a chance of success and never will so long as Zionists continue to steal Palestinian land in the way they are continuing to even now.


Or is that just me refusing to believe the Palestinian propaganda that so many of the gullible in the West are happy to be sucked in by?


Oh, and in answer to the OP - No, they are just a democracy trying to live amongst neighbours who are taught from childhood to hate them.

'Isreal is no more a democracy than apartheid south Africa was, so long as Zionists continue to occupy Palestinian land imprisoning Palestinians in Bantustans it will never be a democracy.


I don't know of any other nation in the world that is in such a position.

Perhaps that's because no other nation was created by ethnically cleansing nearly all its indigenous inhabitants and then repeatedly invading and attacking all it's neighbours within living memory.

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Isnt this the same reasoning and thinking as Nick Griffin,he doesnt question the Holocaust only the numbers,seems as though Muslims and Griffin have things in common

You might be right, maybe they have other things in common like breath air or drink water ?


Using that logic tho they probably have things in common with Hitler or Benjamin Netanyahu ?

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If so, then Britain and the USA are also rogue states, since we also have targetted, and killed, the military leaders of organisations like the Taleban which are dedicated to our destruction.


To Americans and ourselves, Israel has always been regarded as the lovable rogue for some unknown reason.

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Although any death for political ideal is abhorrent, I find Israel's precise assasination more palatable than a bomb in a market place.


Operation Wrath of God was a good example of the surgical nature with which these acts can be committed rather than indescriminate killings.

Hear hear, well said.
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Wasnt Israel originally a Kingdom about 1000 years BC..maybe they have just got a little of their own back that was theirs before Islam decided to embark on its world tour.In fact correct me if Im wrong ..wasnt Jesus a jew ,Im sure he pre-dates 1948

Gods 'Chosen People' who're only reclaiming what is rightfuly theirs 'The Promised Land.

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Gods 'Chosen People' who're only reclaiming what is rightfuly theirs 'The Promised Land.
Cmon, everyone and their mother has laid a claim to that region, whys one persons claim over something more legitimate than another's when they use their own religious beliefs to justify it ?


If I believed the sun was my god and he promised it to be my alone's god then would I have right to ask you not to seek any benefit from what was betrothed to me ?

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Israeli PM Netanyahou needs to be cut down to size. His plan to construct 1600 new homes in East Jerusalem and also make Jerusalem the new Israeli capital is an outrage.


There can never hope to be any agreement between the Jews and Palestinians otherwise but Netanyahou is too arrogant to care much about that.


It's time for a total boycott against that country

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Israeli PM Netanyahou needs to be cut down to size. His plan to construct 1600 new homes in East Jerusalem and also make Jerusalem the new Israeli capital is an outrage.


There can never hope to be any agreement between the Jews and Palestinians otherwise but Netanyahou is too arrogant to care much about that.


It's time for a total boycott against that country


The problem is that Israel has no need to negociate.They hold all the cards, so they can afford to sit back and watch the American billions pour in while annexing Palestinian land little by little.


I for one certainly don't buy any Israeli products and will continue not to untill their abhorrent treatment of the Palestinians ends, probably through some form of a peace settlement.

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