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1000 Rabbis Warn: Open Homosexuality in the military may lead to disasters

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somebody reading this '1000 rabbis' headline might get the impression that gays are not allowed to serve openly in the Israel Defence Force. But they are. All restrictions on gays in the IDF were removed in 1993.


what a bunch of rabbis have to say about what happens in the army matters not a jot. They're just rabbis, not soldiers, and the massive majority of secular Israel couldn't give a rat's ass what they think about anything, especially not anything to do with defence.

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I suppose if you believe the bible then it makes sense - soddom n' gomorrah, plagues of frogs and whatever else, if you believe in a punitive god who gets medieval when he's chuffed off, then tsunamis, earthquakes are god's judgement.

what I can't understand is that I lost a full packet of fags the other week and I'm not gay - WHY ARE YOU PUNISHING ME OH LORD?

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I suppose if you believe the bible then it makes sense - soddom n' gomorrah, plagues of frogs and whatever else, if you believe in a punitive god who gets medieval when he's chuffed off, then tsunamis, earthquakes are god's judgement.

what I can't understand is that I lost a full packet of fags the other week and I'm not gay - WHY ARE YOU PUNISHING ME OH LORD?

Have you recently failed to murder a gay person for being gay or in any other way tolerated them? That kind of thing makes 'the lord' mad apparently hence presumably your missing cigarettes.

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Have you recently failed to murder a gay person for being gay or in any other way tolerated them? That kind of thing makes 'the lord' mad apparently hence presumably your missing cigarettes.


hi plekhanov - that's obviously it! I haven't been homophobic,racist or islamophobic enough - I also think the pope didn't set aside enough of the dogma when he handed his hitler youth card in (after they'd lost) - i have failed the lord and mow i must suffer.

funnily enough, i stubbed my toe painfully in the shower yesterday, could it be coincidence? I think not.

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Can't believe it. Bloody poofs caused the a couple of jets to crash into buildings.

I thought it was terrorist nut jobs with a possible CIA link and maybe a Martian or two all this time. Just shows how wrong a bloke can be.


Think positive. This thread will make a couple of pages or so but if it had been a Muslims loony tunes group, it would be guaranteed to make at least 10 pages. :hihi:

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You really couldn't make it up could you?

After the Pat Robertson; "Haiti earthquake the result of Haitians making a pact with the devil", we now have fundamentalist Jews getting in on the act.


I sometimes wonder if I'm actually the same species as these people.:(


Jews are not fundementalist they are orthadox.

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