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Should Lord Ashcroft lose his peerage?

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Guest sibon
Too good for him.... :hihi:


Slathered in quicklime and broadcast over the internet, whilst passing a non lethal, but painful electric current through his man bits ?


I must stop reading Brookmyre, I must stop reading Brookmyre

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Guest sibon
How about Lord Mandelson's £400k 'personal loan' from Labour paymaster Geoffrey Robinson ? Did he pay tax on that? Did he even pay the market interest rate? Nah, of course not.


That would be a resigning matter wouldn't it?


Mud sometimes sticks when you sling it.


Why would you pay tax on a loan?

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.......a leopard never loses it's spots eh. The Tories have always sucked up to and been bankrolled by rich sleazeballs.


Same old Tories ......rotten to the core!


Same old Labour rotten to the core.


Labour has taken 10 million from EIGHT non-dom donors - businessmen who don't pay tax in UK. Explain that away...

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Can we trust the Tories when they are so easily bought?


Labour are no better, except their big donors are milking the system far more than Ashcroft has ever done.


"between 2001 -2008 Lord Ashcroft attended parliament 285 times at a total cost to the taxpayer of £0.00 in expenses, with an average cost of £0.00.


During the same period Lord Swarj Paul attended parliament 1047 times at a cost to the taxpayer of £281,263 in expenses. The average cost per visit was £268.64 and in 2008/9 this jumped to £405.58 per visit."


No surprise Labour forgot to mention their own donors when feigning indignance.

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