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Greaves of Sheffield

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Are you Lynne Kynoch? Vic was Vic Hardy and his brother John worked there too. Vic married a lass called Shilrley and there was a labourer called Kevin Hardy, no relation


No. I`m Lynn Stacey (before I married). Who are you ?Yes I remember Shirley, did she & Vic do ballroom dancing? Do you remember Kath? Trying to remember a few other names but the old grey matter isn`t what it used to be!!!


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No. I`m Lynn Stacey (before I married). Who are you ?Yes I remember Shirley, did she & Vic do ballroom dancing? Do you remember Kath? Trying to remember a few other names but the old grey matter isn`t what it used to be!!!



Linda Theaker, Kath was Kathy Hatt, didn't you, Kath and Shirley start about same time?

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I remember you. I moved to Little London Road, left and then came back to Sidney Street part-time years later. Worked with Brian Grocutt again about eight years ago at Sheffield Rebuild when I was receptionist and he was woodwork tutor

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I remember you. I moved to Little London Road, left and then came back to Sidney Street part-time years later. Worked with Brian Grocutt again about eight years ago at Sheffield Rebuild when I was receptionist and he was woodwork tutor[/quote


My memory is shocking these days!! Sorry can`t place you::confused:help:

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About 5 ft tall, knocked around with Lynn Kynoch and Elaine Johnson, bleached my hair blonde at front (well my cousin did, she's hairdresser) and then coloured the blonde bit shocking pink. These days it's all blonde, naturally:hihi::hihi::hihi:

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About 5 ft tall, knocked around with Lynn Kynoch and Elaine Johnson, bleached my hair blonde at front (well my cousin did, she's hairdresser) and then coloured the blonde bit shocking pink. These days it's all blonde, naturally:hihi::hihi::hihi:


Did Elaine used to go out with Martin Wheatcroft?

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Did Elaine used to go out with Martin Wheatcroft?


Yes, but it was a bit turbulent in the end. Martin was a bit volatile but I think Elaine used to wind him up. Graham Dawson got sacked by Les Grocutt and then I believe nutted him but I was at Little London then

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  • 8 months later...

Martin Wheatcroft was volatile....he could turn in a flash...I saw him roughly early 90's driving for one of the breweries. He worked at Greaves in the spray shop with Mad Jack and Pete. They were all a bit barmy, it must have been the cellulose!

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