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Anyone work at a franchise owned Mcdonalds?

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Anyone know if all the Mcdonalds restaurants in Sheffield are franchise owned?*Also, if anyone on the forum works at Mcdonalds and has any views on life as a Mcdonalds employee. Anyone worked there for a few years? Do they have ranks for the staff. Mcdonalds franchises are offered to anyone with a good business background / track record and around £200k to invest. Anyone know if franchises are ever offered to long time serving employees that have risen through the ranks? If so are discounts on the franchise fees offered? Would love to hear from those within the company if possible.

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If you are interested in a franchise; give McDonalds a call.


As unknown sole states, getting a franchise is not going to be cheap; plus you need to find a site, get planning permission etc.


Good luck with the venture though.


I've been looking at the Mcdonalds franchise for many years, it's the only franchise I would ever consider but always had a few issues.


Firstly the investment isn't difficult, at present you only need £50k the rest is loaned by the banks. To start up an independent restaurant or cafe could cost you a lot more than this initial payment with zero brand recognition. As for the site and planning permission, this is all handled by Mcdonalds. From what I understand, you don't really have a say where the property is located as Mcdonalds handle all this, they already have researched the areas and know where the best locations are. It's in their interest.


The concerns I have always had are:


At present, they reckon an average a Mcdonalds franchise is making around £70k profit per year, so if you just have one, after taxes etc, this is a massive amount of hassle and work for the return. However, once you've proven yourself with one, you can open more.


You are not allowed to run any other business. Mcdonalds want their franchise to be your only source of income. And as it's a 20 year partnership agreement, that seems very limiting. I guess its a way of life.


I asked about ranks in the staff structure because I once heard that long term staff that moved into management have been offered franchises at very attractive discounts, wondered if anyone in the company could clarify that?


And finally, my major issue, I love money, but it's not hard to find out that a lot of Mcdonalds employees absolutely HATE their jobs and the company. I've read so many terrible stories online about poor treatment of staff, very high turnover of staff, very bad attitudes and unethical strategy of management which is necessary to keep the burgers flipping. At the end of the day, I don't want to get involved in a business that has to be run so negatively in order to meet financial goals. Life is too short. Which is why I would really love to hear from any current staff that feel the franchise they work at isn't so bad. I'm hoping the mass of disgruntled current and ex-employees is just general whinging from youngsters that don't have a work ethic. I mean, when I was 16, I would have been happy to work my socks off at Mcdonalds for a year or two.

Edited by Gambler
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  • 1 year later...
Anyone know if all the Mcdonalds restaurants in Sheffield are franchise owned?


*Also, if anyone on the forum works at Mcdonalds and has any views on life as a Mcdonalds employee.



I too would like to know if they are franchise owned. Am looking to move back to Sheffield and would like to take my job with me.


*I'm a Customer Care Assistant at a franchise owned restaurant. We have a very high turnover of staff, many of the Crew hate the job basically because of the way they are treated and spoken to by our young managers and in our store in particular it seems that the way to get promoted is to be best friends with someone who's already a manager regardless of weather they're management material or not. We have a couple of guys at our store, no people skills, have no idea how to address customers, no outstanding qualities, not particularly hard workers, but... they each managed to get a manager pregnant and were promoted just a couple of months before the mothers of their children were due to go on maternity leave.


Crew are disgruntled because the wrong people are getting promoted leaving the hard workers to do all the graft.


This is not a gripe it's an observation.

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On the plus side it offers some 'security' in that you get a wage fairly quickly, but there are many negatives too:


You have actually have to 'work' within the Business i.e. on the shop floor to make your money, instead of working 'on' the Business like you normally can with your own enterprise.


If this is the case, unless you have a burning desire and life long ambtions to work in a fast food joint you have to be prepared for working long unsociable hours, tied to a brand and certain suppliers, dictated to by a centralised HQ, plus you cannot do any other project..and you have to plough in 200k OF YOUR OWN MONEY.


True, you can get somewhere if you are prepared to work hard over a number of years, but you can say the same thing about ANY business..


Like I said, if you have an ambition to work in a fast food joint, go for it, but remember this will be the reality for a few years, you are working to make McDonalds much richer not the other way around...

Edited by TJC1
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Just to clarify I got this information from a friend of a relative who is a franchise owner, he reckons you really need to consider your motivations first because its not as easy as some people think.

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  • 13 years later...

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