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Black Police Association


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Who's that then?


Ya know full well who I am referring to - especially as I provided a partial list previously.


At some point someone has to say - look, this is Britain. We are British. We have our own ways and our own customs. Stop trying to change us into something we do not want to be.

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Already made my position clear on other threads to do with this supposed racism garbage that you lot keep spouting. Cannot be bothered to argue with you all over again on the same topic. You love to have your one sided little groupie gatherings set on damning anyone who does not agree with your points of view.

Personally I think you and your cronies and people like you are destroying this country and its values - but that is just my opinion.


We need a BPA like we need another hole in the head.


When it takes 17 years to begin to find out about the complicity of police officers in withholding and hiding evidence against scum like this, it is in everyone's interests that we have bodies that will ensure the implementation of the Scarman and MacPherson reports in to the undermining of the justice delivered by our police forces by a culture of institutional racism.

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not really, just all this ******** aint worth arguing about


Course it aint. Now why should Brits move to live on a freakin island thousands of miles away? Want to start cross refencing threads and start a whole new debate about what racism actually is and why I emphatically label you as being a racist? :suspect:

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When it takes 17 years to begin to find out about the complicity of police officers in withholding and hiding evidence against scum like this, it is in everyone's interests that we have bodies that will ensure the implementation of the Scarman and MacPherson reports in to the undermining of the justice delivered by our police forces by a culture of institutional racism.


Blah blah blah. We could sort this out without having Black/Chinese/Hungarian Police Associations.

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Course it aint. Now why should Brits move to live on a freakin island thousands of miles away? Want to start cross refencing threads and start a whole new debate about what racism actually is and why I emphatically label you as being a racist? :suspect:


Yeah start a thread explaining why you call Mel a racist, and me. Start a thread about it.

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Course it aint. Now why should Brits move to live on a freakin island thousands of miles away? Want to start cross refencing threads and start a whole new debate about what racism actually is and why I emphatically label you as being a racist? :suspect:

i aint moved to an island thousands of miles away :suspect:

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Yeah start a thread explaining why you call Mel a racist, and me. Start a thread about it.


Don't ya think the mods would bin it straight away?


So anyhow - you get Brits moving thousands of miles away to set up a new life on some god forsaken island in the nether regions and one member of the forum does not see why they should be allowed to stay there and stay British. Now I ask myself how this person can think its alright for others to move thousands of miles to come and live on this little island in the same way?


Veering off topic there - as I tend to do when trying to overwork my braincell. (Notice the singular there).


The point surely is that there is no real need for a BPA. But having got one - then there is not much likelihood of white police seeing a need to join it, and not wanting to. This is likened to the BNP - and none-whites being allowed to join. What would be their objective, knowing that the BNP is racist?


Just totally confuses me what the problem is with the BNP not wanting none-whites in their ranks if their objective is a white Britain.

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