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Black Police Association


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The point surely is that there is no real need for a BPA. But having got one - then there is not much likelihood of white police seeing a need to join it, and not wanting to. This is likened to the BNP - and none-whites being allowed to join. What would be their objective, knowing that the BNP is racist?

has has already been said white officers can and have joined........as long as they agree with the aims, to help people who are affected by racism in their job

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Just totally confuses me what the problem is with the BNP not wanting none-whites in their ranks if their objective is a white Britain.


The problem is the BNP wants a white Britain.


They set themselves up as a party to introduce apartheid to the UK, and to treat certain sections of society as second class citizens based on race. They are fundamentally undemocratic, and unpatriotic, their principles and history are borrowed from the scum we fought in the last world war.

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Don't ya think the mods would bin it straight away?


Why would they? If you genuinely believe those who challenge BNP racism are the real racists and you can defend those views in a debate, why not?

Nothing wrong with using the word if you're using it accurately.


Just totally confuses me what the problem is with the BNP not wanting none-whites in their ranks if their objective is a white Britain.


See Wildcat's answer.

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The problem is the BNP wants a white Britain.


They set themselves up as a party to introduce apartheid to the UK, and to treat certain sections of society as second class citizens based on race. They are fundamentally undemocratic, and unpatriotic, their principles and history are borrowed from the scum we fought in the last world war.


So you say. Not sure if you are right. Suppose it depends on your point of view. Apartheid in the UK? You mean like certain areas which are already nogo areas for whites? Second class citizens? Who? The British or the immigrants? Unpatriotic is something I have trouble with concerning the BNP cos that just does not make sense.

The scum we fought in the last war? Well 'we' excludes me cos I was not around then, but I think I know what you mean. You mean those people who invented the concentration camps ... er ... wasn't that us? And those people who tortured prisoners ... er ... wasn't that everyone?


Not saying I support the BNP (that's before any bnp supporters start canvassing me). What I am saying is that going to the opposite end of the scale as some on here seem to like doing is just as bad.


Each to their own.

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Can't you read or something?
i been reading on the site and found nothing about white police officers being able to join i have asked the pleasant members of the forum to see if they can find any links which states what ive been asking and guess what i got no links off them either :hihi: and if you could read you would have read that in my earlier posts :hihi:so unless you can help me out dont argue about something you got no proof about :loopy:
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