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Black Police Association


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So you say. Not sure if you are right. Suppose it depends on your point of view. Apartheid in the UK? You mean like certain areas which are already nogo areas for whites? Second class citizens? Who? The British or the immigrants? Unpatriotic is something I have trouble with concerning the BNP cos that just does not make sense.

The scum we fought in the last war? Well 'we' excludes me cos I was not around then, but I think I know what you mean. You mean those people who invented the concentration camps ... er ... wasn't that us? And those people who tortured prisoners ... er ... wasn't that everyone?


Not saying I support the BNP (that's before any bnp supporters start canvassing me). What I am saying is that going to the opposite end of the scale as some on here seem to like doing is just as bad.


Each to their own.


There are no "no go" areas for whites. Clear evidence of that is that there is no where in the Country that doesn't have whites living in it.


Second class citizens: blacks the people that the BNP explicitly want to deprive of equal access to public services because of their ethnicity.


Why doesn't unpatriotic make sense in relation to the BNP? You aren't claiming racism is the same as patriotism are you?


The reference to nazis is justified by the history of the movement. From its creation by John Tyndall, through to the election of Andrew Brons who was in the National Socialist Movement. Nick Griffin is a strasserite Nazi

and protects scumbags like the one they have put up for the Brightside constituency that has said "Hitler will live forever".
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Try harder.


Wow! Terrific post. I see you point. You are as enlightening as usual.

Just give me a hint on what I should be trying for? Certainly not attempting to alter your perfect view of a perfect society of your own design.


In other words - you lost me.


And now tis time for me to go to bed. Thanks for the enlightenment.

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i been reading on the site and found nothing about white police officers being able to join i have asked the pleasant members of the forum to see if they can find any links which states what ive been asking and guess what i got no links off them either :hihi: and if you could read you would have read that in my earlier posts :hihi:so unless you can help me out dont argue about something you got no proof about :loopy:


Try looking at post 6 of the thread. :rolleyes:


or look on the main page of the website:



Bang in the middle of the home page:


The NBPA is open to all in policing on application and there is no bar to membership based on colour
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There are no "no go" areas for whites. Clear evidence of that is that there is no where in the Country that doesn't have whites living in it.


Second class citizens: blacks the people that the BNP explicitly want to deprive of equal access to public services because of their ethnicity.


Why doesn't unpatriotic make sense in relation to the BNP? You aren't claiming racism is the same as patriotism are you?


The reference to nazis is justified by the history of the movement. From its creation by John Tyndall, through to the election of Andrew Brons who was in the National Socialist Movement. Nick Griffin is a strasserite Nazi

and protects scumbags like the one they have put up for the Brightside constituency that has said "Hitler will live forever".


I wanted to go to bed. Okay - last post on this for me.There ARE nogo areas for whites. Honest. Been a fair few documentaries about it - but they are probably biased anyhow and personal experience aint worth anything so hey ho!


I do not see many blacks being treated as second class citizens by anyone. And as soon as anyone even thinks about heading in that direction they get branded nazi racist. I thought chavs and the unemployed were second class citizens - at least that's the impression I get from people on here.


Not saying that racism and patriotism are one and the same, but assuming they are connected by those people who are in the bnp who would consider themselves to be very patriotic.


Now what do you consider to be patriotism? Throwing away everything that is British so we can be a multicultural society? Not my definition of patriotism.


And the same rhetoric and vitriol will be aimed at anyone who aims to remove some of the non-white population of Britain - returning immigrants to their native lands and such.


Like I said - the bnp may be one bad end of the seesaw - but you and yours are the other bad end of it. My opinion of course.

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I wanted to go to bed. Okay - last post on this for me.There ARE nogo areas for whites. Honest. Been a fair few documentaries about it - but they are probably biased anyhow and personal experience aint worth anything so hey ho!


Name me one.


The only areas in the UK that approach the definition are white wards.




I do not see many blacks being treated as second class citizens by anyone. And as soon as anyone even thinks about heading in that direction they get branded nazi racist. I thought chavs and the unemployed were second class citizens - at least that's the impression I get from people on here.


Perhaps because instead of reading my evidence you responded with "Blah, Blah, Blah" and didn't look at it because you are more comfortable in denial?


I thought from threads on here the complaint was that Chavs and Unemployed are treated as first class citizens?


Not saying that racism and patriotism are one and the same, but assuming they are connected by those people who are in the bnp who would consider themselves to be very patriotic.


Now what do you consider to be patriotism? Throwing away everything that is British so we can be a multicultural society? Not my definition of patriotism.


patriotism is standing up for the values this country is renouned for across the world like fairness, justice, impartiality and the fight against racism which began with our ban on slavery.


And the same rhetoric and vitriol will be aimed at anyone who aims to remove some of the non-white population of Britain - returning immigrants to their native lands and such.


Like I said - the bnp may be one bad end of the seesaw - but you and yours are the other bad end of it. My opinion of course.


The views I am promoting are no more than basic human decency.

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Try looking at post 6 of the thread. :rolleyes:


or look on the main page of the website:



Bang in the middle of the home page:

you not read this part then ?:huh: (In October 1996 with interest having grown across the country in the work of the BPA, a National Communication Network was formed. This network consisted of black staff members spanning the length and breadth of the country. It was quickly realised that the only way forward was to form a national association, speaking with "ONE VOICE, STRENGTH IN UNITY". The country was then divided into three regions with a co-ordinator for each region ) :huh:or you did but failed to to miss the give away telltale sign black staff:hihi:
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you not read this part then ?:huh: (In October 1996 with interest having grown across the country in the work of the BPA, a National Communication Network was formed. This network consisted of black staff members spanning the length and breadth of the country. It was quickly realised that the only way forward was to form a national association, speaking with "ONE VOICE, STRENGTH IN UNITY". The country was then divided into three regions with a co-ordinator for each region ) :huh:or you did but failed to to miss the give away telltale sign black staff:hihi:


So what?


It says in the middle of the home page in big letters:


The NBPA is open to all in policing on application and there is no bar to membership based on colour


I don't even care if there are only black members. Whilst we have freedom of association people can and do form whatever interest groups with whatever justifiable membership criteria they want.


The difference is the BNP is not an association or lobby group, it is a political party that stands people in elections to undertake the role of representative of their constituents regardless of colour or racial background. Something that someone with self declared racist views will be campaigning not to do, as is the case with the BNP.

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So anyhow - you get Brits moving thousands of miles away to set up a new life on some god forsaken island in the nether regions and one member of the forum does not see why they should be allowed to stay there and stay British. Now I ask myself how this person can think its alright for others to move thousands of miles to come and live on this little island in the same way?

Brits who move abroad invariably stay very British and have made their culture the pre eminent one in some cases-remember The British Raj? Australia/New Zealand?


The point surely is that there is no real need for a BPA.

How do you know are you a black police officer? I wouldn't lecture the members of the National Disabled Police Association about the need for a disabled police association.


We have one for the same reason there exists a disabled police assoc, it isn't so blacks can take over the police force, it's because they're in a tiny minority within a large organisation and have a common interest that makes their affiliation beneficial to them. If they were in a overwhelming majority, as white officers are, it would be different because obviously the service is geared towards the needs of the majority and managed by them.



But having got one - then there is not much likelihood of white police seeing a need to join it, and not wanting to. This is likened to the BNP - and none-whites being allowed to join. What would be their objective, knowing that the BNP is racist?

That point has been made previously, white officers may not see the need to join, just because they can- doesn't mean they have to, apparently I could join the Women's Institute, but I dont see much for me there, so I won't, but I still understand the reasons for its existence.



Just totally confuses me what the problem is with the BNP not wanting none-whites in their ranks if their objective is a white Britain.

I totally agree, but there is no comparison between them and the BPA, since the BPA's objective is not for an all white police force.
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