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Black Police Association


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I am sure in many cases such approaches are futile, that is not the point. The point is that they are treated impartially. The evidence of MPs pursuing futile cases is evidence in support of what I am saying, not against it.


It seems a perfectly reasonable assumption to make when in the case of the BNP they explicitly stand for different levels of access to public services for people of different ethnicities and why we have as a minimum criteria for being a political party that they have a non-racist membership policy, such that someone like Mo Chaudry can join.




Round and round and round we go. Are you telling me you believe that if an mp was, for instance, against fox hunting then they would represent someone who hunted foxes in the same way as someone against hunting? Poppycock. We are all affected by our views even when we may try to hide these views behind a facade of impartiality.


The BNP have not hidden the fact that they are a racist political party - though I hate to consider what they may have hidden in light of this. They do not expect people to vote for them with the idea that they will treat all as equal. That would just be silly. So the ones who are voted in are voted in on the understanding of their ideals, and as the voters know this then there is no problem.


You and many on here are so against the BNP you let your dislike cloud your willingness to listen to anyone whom you consider may have slightly similar views. Not all people on here who are against the mosques on every street corner view muslims as being inferior, or blacks, or chinese, or whatever. The BNP and UKIP are getting more and more support not from white supremacists but from people who are fed up with mass immigration and the fact that in the ever perpetuated myth of multiculturism we lose more and more of what it is to be British.


So argue all you want against the BNP. Water off a ducks back.


The point is that there is NO need for a BPA.

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And I have seen evidence of the futility of such for some people. Simply because you only have experience of this working does not mean it always works. And you are assuming that a BNP elected mp would not represent what is best for a consituent who writes to him, assuming also that the said constituent will make it known that he is everything the bnp is against?


Lots of ifs and buts to base an argument on.


A BNP government would repatriate non whites from the UK, there are plenty of reasons why blacks dont find their agenda appealing.


The BPA represent the concerns and common interests of black police officers, they have no issue with you, me or their white colleagues.

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Round and round and round we go. Are you telling me you believe that if an mp was, for instance, against fox hunting then they would represent someone who hunted foxes in the same way as someone against hunting? Poppycock. We are all affected by our views even when we may try to hide these views behind a facade of impartiality.


The BNP have not hidden the fact that they are a racist political party - though I hate to consider what they may have hidden in light of this. They do not expect people to vote for them with the idea that they will treat all as equal. That would just be silly. So the ones who are voted in are voted in on the understanding of their ideals, and as the voters know this then there is no problem.


You and many on here are so against the BNP you let your dislike cloud your willingness to listen to anyone whom you consider may have slightly similar views. Not all people on here who are against the mosques on every street corner view muslims as being inferior, or blacks, or chinese, or whatever. The BNP and UKIP are getting more and more support not from white supremacists but from people who are fed up with mass immigration and the fact that in the ever perpetuated myth of multiculturism we lose more and more of what it is to be British.


So argue all you want against the BNP. Water off a ducks back.


The point is that there is NO need for a BPA.


So therefore there is NO need for the BNP?

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A BNP government would repatriate non whites from the UK, there are plenty of reasons why blacks dont find their agenda appealing.


The BPA represent the concerns and common interests of black police officers, they have no issue with you, me or their white colleagues.



So what you are saying is the white police do not represent the views of the black policemen.Are they not all in the same institution?

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A BNP government would repatriate non whites from the UK, there are plenty of reasons why blacks dont find their agenda appealing.


The BPA represent the concerns and common interests of black police officers, they have no issue with you, me or their white colleagues.


Reality check. Do you consider that the BNP will be able to repatriate ALL none whites from the UK - if that is indeed their agenda?

Question - why are so many immigrants coming over to the UK?


You assume you know what the BPA members are all about, just as I assume I know that it is another example of seperating colour. What concerns and common interests of black police officers are we talking about do you think, if not matters where the members believe they will be treated unfairly due to their race?

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The point is - it is un-necessary. There is no point to it other than as an example of further eroding of unity. And when we have the Muslim Police Association (or have we already) then though that will be open to all, it seems unlikely that many devout christian police will join. Common sense really. Segregation - whichever way you look at it.


Shall we start on the Catholics now? They've had their own police association since 1914, never troubled anybody, do you think they should be allowed an association?




Or the Association of Christian Police?




Jewish Police




..and yes, the Asssociation of Muslim Police




Gay Police




Police Emerald Society-for Irish officers




International Police Mountain Bike Association




Would you believe it, there are many groups within the police (just as there are within any large public sector employer) offering affiliation for a wide range of interests-only haters bat an eyelid.

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Boyfriday - I see the list and I notice that not one of them plays the colour card. They are not restricted to Black Jews or Black Christians or Black anything. That is the whole point - they are open to any regardless of colour association. And if we have all these within the police force already then do we really need another?


Snailboy - I am saying that we do not need a subgroup in the police force that is apparently aimed at black officers. The BNP is not a subgroup of anything unless you want to start looking at global groups. But lets try to remain sensible - at least to a degree.

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