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Did anyone see the cage fight show?

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Hi cyclone i was at the show

I saw that all the MMA figths ended in stoppages and tapouts

As did 2 out of the 3 kickboxing bouts.


The kickboxing bouts were under the new "Hybrid" rules system (as taught at sheffieldkickboxing.com ).


One was a clean KO from a head kick, 1 was a stoppage from ehad punches and the 65kg fight went the distance.

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i think all in all it was a good show,didn't start on time but they never do, all the fighters walked out of the cage so thats good for the fighters, maybe not so good for people watching.

i think all the fighters were new to to the game or have only had a few fights, but they do have to start some where, so i think the quality was not that bad for the event, and yes the testosterone levels were high but thats what you get at these events

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The cage kickboxing figths were not the greatest skill level at all.

Many of the kickboxers did not have a clue on how to low kick, how to block or coutner a low kick or even the basic footwork involved in setting it up.


A couple of them seemed to exhibit karate style kicking technique which made me cringe!

Having said that their hand skills were not bad


Oh and the Head kick KO was impressive

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the ineffective kicking of one or two of the "kickboxers"

i.e. rather than the teep, they were using Mae Geri, rather than a full hip twist powerful leg kick, one of them simply used a flicking foot slap type kick


hard to exaplin without visual if you get what i mean

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