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What do you look for in a Martial Arts/Kickboxing Club?

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What do you guys look for in a kickboxing /Martial arts club?


Ive ehard varying feedback for a lot of different places.

Some people want a good club to train at, some people will actually go ouit of their way to train at a club that is "cowboyish" and is of a poor standard.


Some people really dont care.


Some people like the deocr more than the training.

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can't comment on the kickboxing side, but on the club side I look for a place that has a good atmosphere, where everyone is friends as well as training together.


And something that actually appears to be useful rather than just a point scoring excercise.

And something that gets a good sweat on at points in the training.


that's it for now.

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All having fun

all being Taught! TAUGHT being the operative word, ive attended several clubs where youre not really being taught just "£2 , thank you, now go kick F*** out of that bag there"


Something useful as oppsoed to a "points scoring exercise"


I see your point exactly cyclone my pal.


I really do hate "point stop " type sparring its ok for "sharpness" as they say but otherwise i detest people who call what they do kickboxing and really they do point stop garbage.


Keep em coming folks

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This is by no means a comprehensive list, but having trawled round a few clubs...


1. a gradual approach to fitness/acknowledgement of individual fitness levels - i don't mind working hard and i'm getting much fitter, but i've been to several clubs that appear to expect people in their first session to do exactly the same as everyone else in the class - most people don't walk in off the street with the fitness of a judo blackbelt and ignoring that is both dangerous and off-putting for beginners.


2. a good teacher! it may sound obvious, but a person can have all the experience in the world and be an excellent fighter with an unbeaten record, but if they're unable to impart their knowledge, it's of little use to anyone but themselves.


3. a relaxed and friendly environment - some clubs are very cliquey.

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What do you guys look for in a kickboxing /Martial arts club?


For me I look for an instructor/club that will not bull S*** me about what they do or what they are capable of just so they can feel good about themselves.


(An instructor should do just that teach & instruct)

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Dont i know it!

i chatted to one instructor socially and i told him im doing a bit of kickboxing.

He went on tellign me that what he does was " a bit harsher" and how his guys "hit each other on the floor with no pads on" and how " his guys are hard" and how " we go round sheffield and compare training methods,...Etc"


Egos is what damages martial arts in my opinion

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Originally posted by Freddylee

Egos is what damages martial arts in my opinion


You're not wrong!

In my experience, very often those that are good are generally modest - they have had some beatings in their time and accept there will always be someone better because of it.

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I tend to look for a few things really.


I like a nice well disciplined class. Somewhere people aren't running amok but show a good deal of respect for each other and listen to the instructor.


I also look for somewhere with an instructor knows his stuff, knows how to teach the class well but isn't so far up his own arse. I guess this comes in with the ego really, as people have already said, egotistical instructors are a nightmare, especially when they don't have the ability to merit their self worth.


And somewhere you can learn in an open and friendly environment, where questions are accepted gladly and, if the instructor doesn't know the answer, answered honestly. There's nothing worse than instructors who come out with some half baked mystical twaddle that you're sure they don't understand themselves.


Oh, and a damn gruelling work out too. That's most important of all!

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