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How will you vote in the general election

How will you vote?  

148 members have voted

  1. 1. How will you vote?

    • Labour
    • Conservative
    • Lib Dem
    • BNP
    • UKIP
    • Green
    • Socialist Labour
    • Other
    • Don't know yet
    • Won't vote

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I wouldnt vote for anyone at all. All politicians are as bad as each other.





a singularly effective protest as the 38% who did not vote at the last election discovered by soundly beating the 21% who voted labour with a majority of almost 2 to 1 and thereby preventing the formation of a government at the last election, heralding a new era of democracy for the people, bringing world peace and free cream buns for everyone


the last five years of labour rule were caused by people being so stunned at this result they just lost touch with reality and dreamed it


any day now you'll wake up and hear someone in the shower



you want to make a protest then read this thread too late now of course but it might come in handy at the subsequent election


or if you can't find anyone else worth voting for you could stand yourself as an independent under the jury team umbrella, say on an anti corruption manifesto or even a free whisky for toddlers manifesto, your choice, after all you aren't as bad as the rest are you, so you can vote for yourself and who knows you might win


there are things you can do but they require a little more effort than posting in SF to tell everyone that you have given up


and unless you are prepared to do them I suggest you shut the hell up about not voting because there's no choice, or they're all the same, or it makes no difference, or it clashes with coronation street or some other excuse


because that's all it is, an excuse to let you sit on your a*se and do b*gger all except whine and moan


well I'm not buying it and I don't want to hear it and I will cheerfully jump down the throat of anyone who comes up with this crap in future


you want the system to change then get off your a*se and change it, no one is going to do it for you

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I agree, get out and vote. Don't let Smarmy Dave's Conservatives be elected by stealth. They will wreak hell with the NHS and other public services as they try to engineer tax cut's for them and their rich friends, at the same time tipping the economy back into recession.

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a singularly effective protest as the 38% who did not vote at the last election discovered by soundly beating the 21% who voted labour with a majority of almost 2 to 1 and thereby preventing the formation of a government at the last election, heralding a new era of democracy for the people, bringing world peace and free cream buns for everyone


the last five years of labour rule were caused by people being so stunned at this result they just lost touch with reality and dreamed it


any day now you'll wake up and hear someone in the shower



you want to make a protest then read this thread too late now of course but it might come in handy at the subsequent election


or if you can't find anyone else worth voting for you could stand yourself as an independent under the jury team umbrella, say on an anti corruption manifesto or even a free whisky for toddlers manifesto, your choice, after all you aren't as bad as the rest are you, so you can vote for yourself and who knows you might win


there are things you can do but they require a little more effort than posting in SF to tell everyone that you have given up


and unless you are prepared to do them I suggest you shut the hell up about not voting because there's no choice, or they're all the same, or it makes no difference, or it clashes with coronation street or some other excuse


because that's all it is, an excuse to let you sit on your a*se and do b*gger all except whine and moan


well I'm not buying it and I don't want to hear it and I will cheerfully jump down the throat of anyone who comes up with this crap in future


you want the system to change then get off your a*se and change it, no one is going to do it for you


If you can give me 10 good reasons (that will actually achieve something positive to my advantage) to vote then I would consider voting.



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If you can give me 10 good reasons (that will actually achieve something positive to my advantage) to vote then I would consider voting.




why the hell do I have to give you any reasons ?


  1. are you happy with the system as it stands ?
  2. do you want politicians to be accountable to themselves or to you ?
  3. do you enjoy being told what to do by people you didn't say could do so ?
  4. do you want to have your income taxed at ever higher levels and not have any say in the matter ?
  5. do you want laws to be passed that tell you what to do and have no input into the process ?
  6. do you want money spent on local services and things that matter to you instead of being funnelled into over budget and over time government projects ?
  7. do you want our soldiers sent of to fight in wars without your approval ?
  8. politicians were part of the electorate once, they are no better than you are, are you happy that they have one set of rules and you have another ?
  9. do you not think it's time MP's were given a taste of the real world, the one that you have to live in ?
  10. do you want a say in your own future or are you happy being a mushroom ?


you want to get off your a*se and do something now that I've done some thinking for you or would you prefer me to do that for you as well ?


but of course you are going to simply dismiss this as they aren't concrete reasons that will make you demonstrably better off plus they require you to do something other than whine

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