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How will you vote in the general election

How will you vote?  

148 members have voted

  1. 1. How will you vote?

    • Labour
    • Conservative
    • Lib Dem
    • BNP
    • UKIP
    • Green
    • Socialist Labour
    • Other
    • Don't know yet
    • Won't vote

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I agree, get out and vote. Don't let Smarmy Dave's Conservatives be elected by stealth. They will wreak hell with the NHS and other public services as they try to engineer tax cut's for them and their rich friends, at the same time tipping the economy back into recession.


I have never voted but people like YOU make me want to!.


Tell me who would you rather i didn't vote for?

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I have never voted but people like YOU make me want to!.


Tell me who would you rather i didn't vote for?


oh great another one of the 38% who didn't change a damn thing last time and thinks the 62% who tried should pay attention to the opinion they haven't got

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oh great another one of the 38% who didn't change a damn thing last time and thinks the 62% who tried should pay attention to the opinion they haven't got


Boo hoo blame the rich.They have got nice stuff and i got nothing boo hooo.Take a bath hippy

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oh great another one of the 38% who didn't change a damn thing last time and thinks the 62% who tried should pay attention to the opinion they haven't got


All very well you slagging people off for their disillusionment, but who are you going to vote for ? Who is this unlikely candidate who will listen to you and do your bidding ?


Personally I'd like to see a revolution. A bloody one with a proper guillotine set up in Parliament square where we could see all the talking heads separated from their fat, idle bodies and be silenced for ever.


My dream is as valid as yours. :P

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why the hell do I have to give you any reasons ?


  1. are you happy with the system as it stands ?
  2. do you want politicians to be accountable to themselves or to you ?
  3. do you enjoy being told what to do by people you didn't say could do so ?
  4. do you want to have your income taxed at ever higher levels and not have any say in the matter ?
  5. do you want laws to be passed that tell you what to do and have no input into the process ?
  6. do you want money spent on local services and things that matter to you instead of being funnelled into over budget and over time government projects ?
  7. do you want our soldiers sent of to fight in wars without your approval ?
  8. politicians were part of the electorate once, they are no better than you are, are you happy that they have one set of rules and you have another ?
  9. do you not think it's time MP's were given a taste of the real world, the one that you have to live in ?
  10. do you want a say in your own future or are you happy being a mushroom ?


you want to get off your a*se and do something now that I've done some thinking for you or would you prefer me to do that for you as well ?


but of course you are going to simply dismiss this as they aren't concrete reasons that will make you demonstrably better off plus they require you to do something other than whine


These are all very good questions but I guess that many have voter apathy and think that by not voting they are making a stand.Of course as you say this has the effect that they probably had not intended and plays in to the hands of a party they may not even want to win.

There is only one way to make a difference in politics and that is on May 6th, get out and vote in both elections.

There are local elections with a lot at stake for SHEFFIELDERS and national ones with a lot at stake for us all.

BTW, the Lib Dems are the only party that opposed the war in Iraq and have started up the community assemblies to enable local people to have their say in what happens in their own communities.

Voter apathy is no good so get out and vote.


If it is too much trouble, vote online

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Lets hope for the sake of all the citizens of the UK that the majority for the tories is bigger than that so they can start to repair the damage


I hope they do as well. I don't think I could stand another 5 years of Gordon Brown and Labour.

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Vote Labour- A system that backs bailing out misfeasant bankers & still pays them huge bonusses whilst their businesses are still making huge losses! The party that also lets it's manufacturing base rot due to backing said bankers. A manufacturing base it will require to provide for renewable energy or low co2 energy. Never mind the call centres can help build them when we need new nuclear power stations, wind turbines & solar technology to be manufactured.....or we can import it all from China on smoke belching / sea polluting ships with all that co2 impact!


Sounds an election winner!!!!

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Boo hoo blame the rich.They have got nice stuff and i got nothing boo hooo.Take a bath hippy


:hihi: hippy ! :hihi: you're funny !


the only people I'm blaming are the ones who complain but aren't prepared to do anything themselves


All very well you slagging people off for their disillusionment, but who are you going to vote for ? Who is this unlikely candidate who will listen to you and do your bidding ?

we aren't questioning who I'm voting for or who you are voting for, we're questioning why people aren't voting, I don't have to tell you, ballots are secret, the only vote you have to worry about is your own


Personally I'd like to see a revolution. A bloody one with a proper guillotine set up in Parliament square where we could see all the talking heads separated from their fat, idle bodies and be silenced for ever.


My dream is as valid as yours. :P

it may come to that, but I still reckon the stay at homes will sit on their hands and complain that it won't make any difference and we're replacing one lot with another lot that's just the same


they just seem to want to complain and do nothing about it, I just don't want to listen to them if they aren't going to do anything about it

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