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Is tattoo removal available on the NHS

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So true. Taking responsibility for ones own actions is something lacking in todays society - it always has to be someone elses fault - hence the 'where theres blame there's a claim' culture.

The NHS should not have to foot the bill for self-inflicted mutilation.


I never have said it was anyone else's fault and people have told me to sue the tattooist but im not going to.

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Very good point. Those receiving tattoos should also be reminded that a tattoo is for life - the treatment to remove a tattoo will leave a scar.


I think people are well aware they are for life and at that time are happy for it to be there but when they grow up or life changes then they realise it was a huge mistake. I was well aware it was for life but like i say i was 14 (a child).

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Ae you joking? You expect to get it removed on the NHS when YOU chose to have it there? I dont agree with the NHS paying for this at all. Im in the middle of having lazer treatment on a tattoo that I had when I was younger (currently waiting til I hve my baby now as cant do it whilst pregnant) and I dont expect anyone to pay for it but myself. Its cheap enough for anyone to afford really. Im having mine one at Dragon Tattoos and it only cost £20 a session and you have a session about every 4 weeks.


Agreed. I have quite a few tatts. Not regretting any of them yet. But if I ever do decide to have any removed I'd pay for them myself. The NHS should be reserved for illnesses only. I don't agree with anything "cosmetic" funded by the NHS (with the exception of scars and deformities that weren't self inflicted).

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Can I just ask why you want it removing?. Tottoos have now become more socially accepted than they've ever been, so why would you risk trading it for a scar ?


I hate it its vile, and it reminds me of a time of my life that i need to try and forget its like a constant reminder of things from my growing up etc. I would welcome a scar honestly if it meant i never saw this again! i also had a cancerous mole removed above it so i already have a scar in that area so i dont mind, although it will be bigger as it's a huge tat! I have tried to have it covered but it just got bigger:(

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