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St Patrick's Day Tent - Fargate


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1 - No mention of Ireland either.


2- Answering idiotic replies.


3 - So you celebrate your birthday not Bastille day.


Oh dear.


You're starting to look a little silly now ... I wonder if you're bright enough to feel silly too. This will be my last engagement with you since wiz has revealed my secondary reason for bothering and my primary reason has been achieved ... See the first sentence of this paragraph.




1. Correct. You did not mention Ireland. Neither did you exclude Ireland. Both of these facts are irrelevant to the fact that your statement "The question I asked which you clearly do not understand was, do other countries celebrate their neighbouring countries national day" is, at best, factually incorrect.


2. This response presents so many opportunities to humiliate you that it would be a little like kicking a puppy so I'll decline your generous offer.


3. I stated that: "Regarding Bastille Day ... I've celebrated it every single year of my life".


The 14th of July is Bastille Day. I celebrate the 14th of July every year.


My initial and subsequent statements are precise and correct. The fact that you're not very good at this and got lured into a sucker punch does not change this.


Anyhow, Nice "talk"ing to you. Feel free to have the last word and do let me know if you'd like to be added to the guest list.


Slán agat!

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Oh dear.


You're starting to look a little silly now ... I wonder if you're bright enough to feel silly too. This will be my last engagement with you since wiz has revealed my secondary reason for bothering and my primary reason has been achieved ... See the first sentence of this paragraph.




1. Correct. You did not mention Ireland. Neither did you exclude Ireland. Both of these facts are irrelevent to the fact that your statement "The question I asked which you clearly do not understand was, do other countries celebrate their neighbouring countries national day" is, at best, factually incorrect.


2. This response presents so many opportunities to humiliate you that it would be a little like kicking a puppy so I'll decline your generous offer.


3. I stated that: "Regarding Bastille Day ... I've celebrated it every single year of my life".


The 14th of July is Bastille Day. I celebrate the 14th of July every year.


My initial and subsequent statements are precise and correct. The fact that you're not very good at this and got lured into a sucker punch does not change this.


Anyhow, Nice "talk"ing to you. Feel free to have the last word and do let me know if you'd like to be added to the guest list.


Slán agat!


Fantastic post.


I feel utterly vanquished.


How could I let myself be led up the garden path in this way, I shall sign out and go for a lie down and think long and hard about my outlook on life.



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Wow! I've just read this post start to finish.....I feel like I've sat through a reading of 'War & Peace'! Impressive stuff 'top4718' & the very elloquant 'jacksrake'.


I'd happily attend any beer tent or celebration of a nation! Gone are the days of tribal warfare & accusing another people of witchcraft. England for hundreds of thousands of years has been populated and conquered by many peoples & nations....we'll all pretty mixed up genetic mutants!


At the end of the day...who gives a monkeys?

Raise your glass & drink it down!



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miserable bell end.


Is this one of the bands performing in the tent ?


If we are to celebrate St Georges then we need to stand in an orderly queue and tut at late running busses but personally id rather tag on the the Irishy Guinnesy theme where we all get to be Irish for a day.


its just one of those oddities .... Andy murray was one tennis match away from being British but he lost and remained Scottish,

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You asked a question which implied we should be playing rebel songs so I asked you why?


No I didnt, I simply asked why, when you said that you wouldnt be playing them.


Ooh, sorry, I missed that bit. Perhaps this is the reason you're making a bit of a dick of yourself here



Hello Mr. Pot :wave:



Jongo, for instance, seems to think that everyone in Ireland will be singing rebel songs on the 17th.


Jongo never said anything of the sort :nono:

Thats why...



..I gCorcaigh, gan dabht, sé an langer!


St. Pats day in Ireland will include hundreds of St. Patricks Day Marches, these are in celebration of fallen rebels such as Sean South and numerous others, these marches are a way of raising funds for the IRA

Get the link yet?

St. Pats, Sean South, IRA, Rebels :loopy:

Also I can garauntee you Mr. Rake that the vast majority of bars in Ireland on the 17th and also on many other weekends will have some sort of rebel songs, tunes, music, poems, stories, recitals!

So, if you wouldnt mind I am still waiting for your answer to my first question


You tried plugging yourself as a musician on this celebration and someone had the ordacity to ask you if you would be playing a certain type of music, all rather simple and straight forward to answer


Why wont you be playing any rebel songs, as in EIRE, there will be rebel songs galore.



Also while I am here I would like to commend you on your PR, I am sure after all your ranting on here you have managed to drum up quite a number of people to go elsewhere

Well done!

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