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St Patrick's Day Tent - Fargate


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I suspect from his user name, 'beer' is a real ale nut who sees anything that doesn't have half an inch of sediment in the bottom of the glass as not worth drinking.


Basically Guinness needs to be 'turned over' very quickly. One of the reasons Irish Guinness used to taste better was the fact that a barrel was started and finished in a few hours (and in some cases a few minutes) whereas where it was less popular a barrel could be sitting in a cellar for a week or more. Add to that, the usual stuff about keeping your pipes and pumps clean and of course, you will get different tasting pints in different places.


John X


Good post :thumbsup:

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I do not have any distant Irish relatives (not to my knowledge anyway).


I do not have any Irish friends or colleagues.


I have no affinity with anything Irish apart from the occasional Guinness.


I have no particular like or dislike for Ireland or its people and have enjoyed the country on my few visits there.


Having said that can anybody give me any reason why I should make an effort to celebrate Irelands saints day over any other.


If this makes me a troll jakesrake I will go and find a bridge to live under (provided its not over the Liffey).


I would suggest that much of the celebrations of this day stem from the marketing arms of Guinness and more recently the dreadful Magners.


Do the majority of the people in the Fargate tent even know what they are celebrating or is it another excuse for our national sport, the p*** up, albeit this time with a different drink.


I hope the moral majority on here will be supporting the Welsh national day on Monday so vehemently, I suspect not.


Jakesrake's defence of this annual charade probably has more to do with promoting his Corrs tribute band than it has with St Patrick.

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Jakesrake's defence of this annual charade probably has more to do with promoting his Corrs tribute band than it has with St Patrick.


That is the funniest thing you have posted all thread!


So come on let's have it do you have something against celebrating St Pat's Day in particular or is it because other people seem to celebrate it over and above St Georges Day?


John X

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Because we get to play imported tunes by St Lynott very loudly in a snake free zone.


Before St Patrick the snakes were wall to wall im told......... long slithery buggers they were and were only kept in check by the dragons who barbecued and ate em.


The build up of snakes after all the dragons were slain because George hadnt though it through had to be dealt with by Patrick who rested after his snake cull with whisky in a jar.


An thats a true story that is and also why Patrick gets a bit better PR than George cos there was no Max Cliffords in them days.

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The Tent should be banned this year. Went to it last year - Service was atrocious, Prices were a rip off and, the Guiness was poor!! Don't support thieves like this!!!




Anyone know when the tent is going to be up this year or of any other Paddy's day events?
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Pity, read what you have posted and not wanting to start arguement like some ignorants on here but the rebels songs are about irelands history. not siding with any loyalist group or any other group just think that as part of the whole history of Ireland/Eire they illustrate part of our history.


a history we should strive not to forget. I have family in the north and south of ireland and every part of our past is important. sean south, the roll of honour, the hungerstrikers, james connelly, robert emmett, aiden mcinespie, michael collins, billy reid and of course bobby sands as with many many many more. they played important part in Eire's history. we should not forget them when celebrating St Patrick's (the patron saint of whole of ireland) day.

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