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St Patrick's Day Tent - Fargate


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I love these self appointed superior human beings on here that condemn and insult if you dont buy into their idea of "fun".


If sitting on Fargate in a corporate sponsored tent in a silly green hat drinking overpriced

and badly kept Guinness is "fun" then leave me out.

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I don't celebrate St Patrick's day when I go to the tent. I have a damn good laugh with mates and couldn't give a toss whose patron St day it is. Oh, and I am going out on St George's day too, cos it's a mates birthday.

All you po faced beggars stop in and watch Corrie instead, you'd only bring the atmosphere down.


Another post confirming one of my points on here.


Thank you.

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I love these self appointed superior human beings on here that condemn and insult if you dont buy into their idea of "fun".


If sitting on Fargate in a corporate sponsored tent in a silly green hat drinking overpriced

and badly kept Guinness is "fun" then leave me out.


I think the discussion has moved on from the tent in Fargate to a wider discussion of celebrating St Pat's Day.


To be fair it's not just the tent you object to, it's any celebration of the day.


And before you get too carried away with the 'condemn and insult' comments, it wasn't us that thought it would be funny if the wheel fell down on the tent.


John x

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I think the discussion has moved on from the tent in Fargate to a wider discussion of celebrating St Pat's Day.


To be fair it's not just the tent you object to, it's any celebration of the day.


And before you get too carried away with the 'condemn and insult' comments, it wasn't us that thought it would be funny if the wheel fell down on the tent.


John x


To be fairer thats what the OP asked about.


I will ask my question again: What are you doing tomorrow for St Davids day????

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To be fairer thats what the OP asked about.


I will ask my question again: What are you doing tomorrow for St Davids day????


I'd love to say nothing at all, but I will be in Cardiff doing a gig to celebrate St David's day.


John X

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I love these self appointed superior human beings on here that condemn and insult if you dont buy into their idea of "fun".


Don't you see the irony, here, toppy? If you look back at the thread you will notice that it is you who is doing the condemning and insulting.


I know I've stated this before, and John X has put forward one potential theory. You seem very keen to condemn people for celebrating St Patrick's day; big bee in your bonnet about this one. Why?


To put it into perspective, a thread has just started on the subject of spray tanning. I think spray tanning is the utmost in vanity-gone-mad.


Care to guess what I'm gonna go and post on the thread?


Yup ... Nothing.

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Don't you see the irony, here, toppy? If you look back at the thread you will notice that it is you who is doing the condemning and insulting.


I know I've stated this before, and John X has put forward one potential theory. You seem very keen to condemn people for celebrating St Patrick's day; big bee in your bonnet about this one. Why?


To put it into perspective, a thread has just started on the subject of spray tanning. I think spray tanning is the utmost in vanity-gone-mad.


Care to guess what I'm gonna go and post on the thread?


Yup ... Nothing.


It would be a very dull forum if everyone just agreed with everyone elses ideas without debate.


I am not condemning Irish people for celebrating.


Where is your St Davids day gig John x, I might attend.

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Just found this thread and I've got to say I'm appalled at the shallow, ovine mentality of the bulk of posters in it. Before anyone labels me a stay at home misery guts I've had my share of hell-raising all-nighters throughout the land and so drinking a few overpriced Guinesses in a tent full of students and Sheffield's dregs holds precisely zero appeal.


Top is correct in his exasperation at the celebration of an Irish Festival by non-Irish folk. By all means let Irish ex-pats and such like celebrate their country's heritage. But why do we? If you say that it's just any excuse for a session, then I say why not just go out anyway, rather than hide behind the rather pathetic "Well, it's for the craic, innit?" (usually mis-pronounced as crake)


You can take your craic and you can stick your shillelagh right up it.

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Sweet FA. Your point is?


My point is that most of the politically correct lot on here are slating me because I dont celebrate a day that has nothing whatsoever to do with me (or the majority of the indigenous population) but choose to totally ignore an identical day.


But then again the Welsh dont have Guinness.

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