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St Patrick's Day Tent - Fargate


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I do as much as I can to avoid "celebrating" on this day, why ANYBODY would want to openly celebrate another countries national day is totally beyond comprehension.


I hope the big wheel comes off its mountings and flattens the tent.


Why stop there, why not celebrate Mongolia's national day as well, it makes about as much sense.


Your point being????


If I wanted to celebrate Irelands national day (which I dont), I would go to Ireland, not sit in a tacky tent/Guinness advert on Fargate in a green foam hat.


St Paddies day always makes me laugh; people with the most tenuous links with Ireland(a grandad who was half Irish or something) become Irish all of a sudden :hihi:


On Monday I will be setting up a tent on Fargate selling leeks, we also have a Max Boyce tribute act on at 1pm.


I do hope all you mugs can join us.

Are you celebrating Polands national day as well???


My old school mates parents had an Irish setter, perhaps I should take part.



And, finally....


My point is that most of the politically correct lot on here are slating me because I dont celebrate a day that has nothing whatsoever to do with me


Can you genuinely not see that you are the one doing the slating? I would feel quite confident in stating that not one single poster on here cares whether you celebrate or otherwise.


You made your point in your first post. You have not developed your argument except to make the same analogy repeatedly. Then you claim people are slating you when it is you doing the slating.


I notice you have introduced the term "politically correct" ... that's often a good indication of a person's true colours.


Now, do you have anything positive to add or, indeed something new and negative?

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Hiya Sares.


Great post and I fully agree with your point and John's subsequent endorsement. QUOTE]


thanks to you and John for your response to my post. didnt want to start an argument about it. your post jacks rake was very postive and non dismissal, I appreciate that. happy St Patricks day to you when the day comes and hope you have grand time. x

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Anyone know when the tent is going to be up this year or of any other Paddy's day events?


Just thought I would bring the OP forward.


This thread was started asking about what was happening in relation to St.Pats Day, namely the tent on Fargate/Barkers Pool.


If anyone wants to argue about Mongolia/Wales etc. start a thread....Simple


If anyone wants to argue the rights or wrongs of celebrating a particular St's Day.....start a thread.....its really not that hard


No one HAS to celebrate anything they dont want to as far as I know

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Just thought I would bring the OP forward.


This thread was started asking about what was happening in relation to St.Pats Day, namely the tent on Fargate/Barkers Pool.


If anyone wants to argue about Mongolia/Wales etc. start a thread....Simple


If anyone wants to argue the rights or wrongs of celebrating a particular St's Day.....start a thread.....its really not that hard


No one HAS to celebrate anything they dont want to as far as I know


Good on ye!


I'll add any info. as and when I get it but I suspect wiz might beat me to it...

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Just found this thread and I've got to say I'm appalled at the shallow, ovine mentality of the bulk of posters in it. Before anyone labels me a stay at home misery guts I've had my share of hell-raising all-nighters throughout the land and so drinking a few overpriced Guinesses in a tent full of students and Sheffield's dregs holds precisely zero appeal.


Top is correct in his exasperation at the celebration of an Irish Festival by non-Irish folk. By all means let Irish ex-pats and such like celebrate their country's heritage. But why do we? If you say that it's just any excuse for a session, then I say why not just go out anyway, rather than hide behind the rather pathetic "Well, it's for the craic, innit?" (usually mis-pronounced as crake)


You can take your craic and you can stick your shillelagh right up it.


At last some sense.


Would anyone like to join the debate who has'nt got a vested interest in it taking place.

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Just found this thread and I've got to say I'm appalled at the shallow, ovine mentality of the bulk of posters in it. Before anyone labels me a stay at home misery guts I've had my share of hell-raising all-nighters throughout the land and so drinking a few overpriced Guinesses in a tent full of students and Sheffield's dregs holds precisely zero appeal.


Top is correct in his exasperation at the celebration of an Irish Festival by non-Irish folk. By all means let Irish ex-pats and such like celebrate their country's heritage. But why do we? If you say that it's just any excuse for a session, then I say why not just go out anyway, rather than hide behind the rather pathetic "Well, it's for the craic, innit?" (usually mis-pronounced as crake)


You can take your craic and you can stick your shillelagh right up it.


Oh yes! Agreed 150%!!!

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Top is correct in his exasperation at the celebration of an Irish Festival by non-Irish folk. By all means let Irish ex-pats and such like celebrate their country's heritage. But why do we?


I take your point about overpriced Guinness and too many drunken students. Not everyone's cup of tea and each to their own, I say.


No. What niggles, is that both you, top and now irene seem to think that it is actually a bad thing to join in and celebrate someone else's culture and tradition.


If that is so, then why not just come out with it, and stop hiding behind drunken students and overpriced pints of Guinness!


John X

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I take your point about overpriced Guinness and too many drunken students. Not everyone's cup of tea and each to their own, I say.


No. What niggles, is that both you, top and now irene seem to think that it is actually a bad thing to join in and celebrate someone else's culture and tradition.


If that is so, then why not just come out with it, and stop hiding behind drunken students and overpriced pints of Guinness!


John X


Wrong, I/we cannot understand why anyone would want celebrate an IRISH day for IRISH people in commemoration of an IRISH patron saint.


It has nothing whatsoever to do with us.


If it is a done thing to celebrate this then why not celebrate our own saint, or the ones of Scotland and Wales.


If I want to immerse myself in Irelands culture then I will go to Ireland.

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