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Deerlands Ave Old Residents


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I honestly can't remember the number, Blackhill. But she lived there up to about 1974. Moved into the old peoples' flats on Colley Road but died a couple of months after getting there.

Her house is one of the ones they pulled down and replaced with 0.


It was either the second or third block of semis in from Blackhill.


My strongest memory is of watching my nan walk gram down Blackhill to her house on Holgate. It used to take her ages ...


Edit to say - I don't know how long she lived there but a long time. She was a Huntsman regular when she could get about. Always seemed to be holding a Gold Label as I recall;)

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my mum lived on Deerlands her Gradparents were George and Gertrude Webber they had 17 children altogether and there isn't many left now my mum tells me about life there and I went to see her old house on a trip down memory lane for her as she forgets things but talks constantly of her life on Deerlands then Lynsdey Avenue. The children were George, Sheila, Audrey, Irene, Jean, Michael, Christine, Rose, Catherine, Maureen, Margerate, Gertrude, Brenda, Patricia, and others.

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hiya Patrecia i remember your faamily when they lived on Lindsay Avenue ,they lived in one of large semi detached 4 bed roomed houses just below Inglow Ave,next door to the norrie,s ithink at least one of kids went to school in my class ,i went to lindsay jun,s then to Hartley Brook i left school in 1954 Bri bloomer .take care .xx

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I was born on Deerlands Ave. ( posH end near barnsley Road ) in 1940 and left to get married in 1961. In those days, you could leave you house unlocked without a problem, things have changed a lot since then.

Would i move back there if I could, no thanks, i can't understand why people want to stay there.

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