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An alternative to not voting or spoiling your ballot in a general election


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If you want PR all you need do is vote Lib Dem.
yeah that will get the people who spoil their ballots or don't vote because no party represents their views out in droves won't it


the only way to get PR is to have all parties promise it as a priority so it doesn't matter who gets in


are the lib dem's promising the right to recall MP's who don't represent their constituencies as well ?


no they aren't they want to be elected and have five, nice, comfortable, safe years doing exactly what they want and not what their constituents want


I want MP's to answer to their constituents and not their parties and having the ability to get them out of their nice safe comfortable seat before their five years are up is one way of doing it, PR is another, but both together could transform politics

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Whilst I acknowledge that PR has been Lib Dem policy for a very long time, there are some members of the Labour Party who also campaign for electoral reform (me being one of them) and even in the Conservative Party.


The recent pledge by the Prime Minister to hold a referendum on the alternative vote system shows that the number of folk within the Labour Party who are convinced of the need to change our ridiculous voting system is growing. Even Roy Hattersley appears to have now been persuaded of the merits of abandoning the first past the post voting system. :surprised


it's a start but the MP has proposed the weakest possible form of reformation by choosing the alternative vote system it is not a true proportional representation system and is still susceptible to manipulation using techniques like gerrymandering


and to be perfectly frank the labour party have had over twelve years to introduce political reform yet the only time it gets discussed in parliament is in the run up to a general election


too little too late, even if the bill were hurriedly cobbled together and fast tracked through the parliamentary process it wouldn't be an act before the election had to be held and what would happen to it after the election is over, my money would be that it will be quietly dropped while some other more imminent crisis is dealt with, there never being any shortage of handy crises requiring the governments immediate attention




and I nearly forgot .. referendum ? Mr Brown hardly has what might be considered a good record on holding referendums, even when he promises faithfully that he will hold one it's no guarantee it will happen

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thank you I already found that the government has banned the name from being used here and I'd found their website as well


the best party I've found on my internet meanderings would be No Candidate Deserves My Vote! however it's manifesto is simply to get a "No Candidate Deserves My Vote!" box on the ballot paper I prefer something a little more proactive

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It's a pity Richard Pryor isn't still with us. I loved Brewsters Millions.




so I'm not the first to think of it, I didn't think I would be


I just don't want to see anyone posting that they aren't going to vote or they are going to spoil their ballot because no one represents their views


well here's an idea that will solve that


now you can sit here and nitpick or poke fun if you want, but it is possible to change the system by using the system, I've just told you how


if you don't want to change the system then good luck to you, you'll still be living in the same country after the election, everything that annoys you about politics and politicians will still be there completely unchanged for another five years until you get another chance to change things


the ball is now in your court, do whatever you like with it just don't whine about tax increases or hospital closures or the price of beer or anything really, just keep smiling and don't complain because it's your fault nothing changed, not my fault, no one else's fault, your fault

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so I'm not the first to think of it, I didn't think I would be


I just don't want to see anyone posting that they aren't going to vote or they are going to spoil their ballot because no one represents their views


well here's an idea that will solve that


now you can sit here and nitpick or poke fun if you want, but it is possible to change the system by using the system, I've just told you how


if you don't want to change the system then good luck to you, you'll still be living in the same country after the election, everything that annoys you about politics and politicians will still be there completely unchanged for another five years until you get another chance to change things


the ball is now in your court, do whatever you like with it just don't whine about tax increases or hospital closures or the price of beer or anything really, just keep smiling and don't complain because it's your fault nothing changed, not my fault, no one else's fault, your fault


I'm not nit-picking, I'm not poking fun, I would support you how I could if you were to stand, and I even came up with an alternative name for you, which you didn't comment on. The ball isn't in my court, because at the moment, standing is not an option for me, but as I said, I would be willing to support someone else how I could. I can whine about what I like whilst it's still a reasonably free country (as long as I'm not at a Labour Pary Conference). All people can be asked to do is what is within their means. If you are going to go ahead, don't alienate your allies! :hihi:

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my apologies the use of the :hihi: smiley made me think your name suggestion and post was less than serious


so ok you can't stand, but you are happy to throw your support behind anyone who does, excellent


that's one vote then all you need is a candidate to vote for

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my apologies the use of the :hihi: smiley made me think your name suggestion and post was less than serious


so ok you can't stand, but you are happy to throw your support behind anyone who does, excellent


that's one vote then all you need is a candidate to vote for


No worries. Seriously, why not stand yourself? I reckon you'd get your deposit back, and anyway, you'd get someone to finance it, or a group of people - lots on here for example would probably be willing to chuck in a quid or two to get things moving.

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