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National service/conscription

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I was talking about this the other day after watching Bad Lads Army. We both said that we would have quite liked to do National Service just to experience it although dont think I would have been too keen on Conscription.


To answer the question, yes I do think some sort of training of this type would work in a lot of cases of persistant young offenders. I would go further and say that if when leaving school you dont take up further education or job/training then you should have to do a year or so completing a National Service type programme. Maybe then we may address the problem of Young offending before things get serious.




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Originally posted by mat1978

I would go further and say that if when leaving school you dont take up further education or job/training then you should have to do a year or so completing a National Service type programme.


A little while ago now I was speaking to a chap who worked in the MOD. I put the idea of national service to him and asked his opinion. He said that him, and the majority of people at the MOD and armed forces, were totally against it for two reasons:


First of all, the last thing the armed forces wanted was to have to put up with a bunch of unruly kids sent there against their will.


Secondly, in this modern age of warfare, the need for a greater number of soldiers is greatly diminished. The aim of the MOD these days is to have small, fast to deploy, elite army, trained to the hind teeth, which can provide a supporting role in whatever conflict they're sent to. He made the claim that our guys are still the most highly trained and effective soldiers in the world and can do a largely better job than the Americans with a lot less of the kit.


Consequently, whenever there are mutterings about national service and the like within political circles, the civil servants in the MOD quickly hush the offending parties to keep the status quo.

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I would support the introduction of some form of National Service 100%


The option of young people doing nothing should not be available. Young people who are in Employment/Training or FE/HE who get into trouble should also face some form of National Service as a punishment.


They will learn respect for others along with self-respect. Bad lad's army is an excellent example of how it should be done - people who have recently retired/left the armed forces could be employed and their skills used to develop young people and would be much more beneficial that sending young offenders to institutions where they are not developed socially or mentally.

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A little while ago now I was speaking to a chap who worked in the MOD. I put the idea of national service to him and asked his opinion. He said that him, and the majority of people at the MOD and armed forces, were totally against it for two reasons:


Yeah, I agree this would be the case. But even though you know this, in theory do you think its a good idea??


Was watching a programme the other week on some tribe in Africa where they have rituals when 16 year old boys have thier teeth knocked out - when its all over they become 'Men'. As disturbing as is was it was clearly a proud an important part of the males life. In western society we just evolve into 'Adults' and have no defining moment when we 'become' men or women. Maybe we should send our troubled teens into the middle of the bush, if they come back they will be Men if not then no loss;)

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I think bringing back national service is a good idea in combating yobs the discipline in the army would teach them respect if they started on a sargeant or staff sargeant thy would be sorry. This would teach them respect for others and self respect

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I always thought it took courage to go fight for your country


What courage have those cowardly little pricks ever shown?


What we gonna do.....send them to a war torn country so they can throw bricks at foreign pensioners?

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