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The Biased Broadcasting Corporation

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Originally posted by panda79

even the head of the bbc has stated that the bbc is institutionally left wing , cant remember when he said it but im sure it was this year


Actually, maybe you have a point. I mean, look at this week's schedule for evidence:


EastEnders (think Far EAST, think CHINA, think COMMIES)


The Bigger Picture with Graham Norton (tsk - typical of the loony left to let gays present programmes on the telly)


An American Werewolf in London (patently a liberal critique of America's aggressive foreign policy)


How to Start Your Own Country (presumably one where everyone wears sandals and munches on lentils)


The Slavery Business: How to make a Million from Slavery (obviously yet another a attempt by the Marxist Beeb to denegrate the hard-working plantation owner)





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Ah me....sad lessons have been learned by the BBC ever since 'Ghostwatch' when some poor soul committed suicide and any number of people went to sleep with the light on afterwards.


There are any number of delusional folks out there who imagine we still fight wars in a gung-ho/boys own adventure fashion. It's only kind to protect them from themselves really :loopy:


And lets not forget the Americans who panicked en masse during a radio broadcast of 'War of the Worlds' :rolleyes:


Any bias in the BBC is that we've been dumbed down to such an extent that the possibility of causing a mass panic is now only too real.......;)



*Is it time for The Archers yet.......

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Greenback ,


Yes , I could understand it if they pulled a programme that was directly connected to a disaster but what relevance has a 90 year old story , from the 1st. World War . got anything to do with bombings in London in 2005.

And I asked , but haven't had a proper answer , why put on a programme the same week that had TOTAL relevance with what's going on in Iraq , practically all the time. If you were a child whose father was in Iraq and you hears people talking about the war and a soldier in intensive care , maybe you would be upset ? Even if no-one has complained was it worth taking the risk in one case and not the other ?

Gillian Reynolds in the Telegraph , a life-long respected radio reviewer and hardly a right -wing bigot [!] was absolutely baffled by the inconsistency.

Amongst other relevant points she makes , she states , "In either case , I know I would find it curiously inconsistent of BBC radio to ban a historic fiction which might be thought to allude , possibly , to today's militant Islam while broadcasting neo-realistic drama which most definitely does ."

I think someone in a previous post on here has made a point about someone from the BBC admitting that they were biased , so perhaps it's not just an individual impression , after all. To be honest , I can hardly believe that anyone can listen to Radio 4 regularly and conclude that the BBC is NOT biased ; the mind boggles .







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Don't know enough about the BBC goings on what with Greg Dyke being sacked and how many of the staff are unhappy with recent changes.


But we should be pleased that we don't have to endure the propandist ****e that the US have to put up with.


Just watched 'Outfoxed' which comments on the 'Maxwell Empire' and the 'Fox' news network.


Absolutely intollerable.


Bush's bottom boy if I ever saw one.

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what about the endless lists of songs they ban during wars etc


during the 1st gulf war they banned songs like the cure - killing an arab, the clash - rock the casbah which you can sort of see, but then some (which ive forgot :P) were completely non sensical

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Originally posted by melthebell

what about the endless lists of songs they ban during wars etc


during the 1st gulf war they banned songs like the cure - killing an arab, the clash - rock the casbah which you can sort of see, but then some (which ive forgot :P) were completely non sensical


if my memory serves me right im sure they banned in the air tonight by phil collins and a song by the bangles

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Originally posted by panda79

if my memory serves me right im sure they banned in the air tonight by phil collins and a song by the bangles


Yup and 'The air that I Breath' by the Hollies too.


As for Greenmantle there was someone on Radio 4 last week explaining the decision in reply to listeners' complaints. If I remember correctly his explanation was that whilst the drama being broadcast on Woman's Hour was a serious drama meant to highlight current issues that families of people in the forces are going through. Whereas Greenmantle is a more lighthearted, less factually correct piece of fiction. (Not having read it I have no idea if that's true).


You can listen to the discussion here:


Feedback - Radio 4


Using the 'Listen Again' link

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  • 9 years later...

I'd like to know how David Dimbleby gets away with being so biased against certain panelists on Question Time. On the episode just before the election someone on the panel said we need the high levels of immigration so that the asparagus gets picked and so on, to which the UKIP guy pointed out that back in the days of sensible immigration levels of around 30 thousand a year, the asparagus got picked; a large section of the audience shouted him down and David Dimbleby said he was "talking nonsense".


Since when could a BBC broadcaster be so openly biased?

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I can't quite fathom how mentally unstable you would have to be to produce such an exhaustive blog about a perceived bias in the BBC.


What on earth does "fearless unbiased comment" mean when it's at home? It seems to me to indicate "opinion". Which is inherently biased.


Indeed, that site is complete shambles of opinion presented as fact and doesn't show any legitimate bias. Someone's got too much time on their hands.

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