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The Biased Broadcasting Corporation

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I'd like to know how David Dimbleby gets away with being so biased against certain panelists on Question Time. On the episode just before the election someone on the panel said we need the high levels of immigration so that the asparagus gets picked and so on, to which the UKIP guy pointed out that back in the days of sensible immigration levels of around 30 thousand a year, the asparagus got picked; a large section of the audience shouted him down and David Dimbleby said he was "talking nonsense".


Since when could a BBC broadcaster be so openly biased?


The recent election coverage was well balanced and the political editors/correspondents/anchors tell it how it is. Marr/Kuenssberg/Neal/Robinson are examples. The BBC also broadcast (unchallenged) many blatant lies from all sides during the run-up to the election.


Dimbleby gives everyone as hard time.

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