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Poem Letting Go


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Hi Maid,


I also enjoyed it. I thought it was quite accessible, so hopefully even non-poetic people like myself can enjoy it.


I particularly enjoyed the first verse, which seemed to encapsulate the 'loss' felt by the wife. I thought that some of the phrases, such as "his absence drifts like vapour..." were excellent.


The second verse seemed to express some bitterness / resentment felt by the mother. I wasn't sure what was meant by 'experimental grief' or 'ambiguous face', so that section wasn't as powerful for me. I'd be interested to know if those descriptions do resonate with other readers.


I thought the final verse rounded it off nicely. The actions of 'letting go' were described nicely, but I did wonder if the difficulty of doing so could have been emphasised more.


I think it is the sort of poem that may stay with me for a while,


Thanks for posting

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