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Paragliding in Sheffield?


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Yes you do need a certificate to join clubs and go out and fly.

There are two levels that take you to a level where you can just go out and fly at a club site whenever you wish.

E.P.C. -Elementary Pilot Certificate. The very basics, short hops and ground handling.

C.P.C - Club Pilot Certificate. Lots more flights and theory. Air law, meteorology etc.

I would think these two courses would cost the best part of a thousand pounds, then you need to buy a glider.

It can be very frustrating learning to fly as if the weather isn't right then you aren't going out. A lot of early morning phonecalls to see if it is happening (more often than not it isn't) and if so where.

All that said it is still the cheapest form of free flight and an amazing buzz :)


Please don't just buy a paraglider on ebay and go out and kill yourself. It reflects badly on the sport as a whole. I'm sure you can imagine just how dangerous it can be.

Lots more info here: http://www.bhpa.co.uk/

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