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Sheffield Retail Quarter (ex-"Sevenstone") MEGATHREAD

Should there be an independent review of SCC's performance?  

142 members have voted

  1. 1. Should there be an independent review of SCC's performance?

    • Yes- it would be worth assessing SCC's performance
    • No - not needed / whats the point?
    • Not bothered really

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Although the Star seems to agree with me.

'BUILDING work on Sheffield's new Sevenstone retail quarter has been put on hold indefinitely until the economy recovers, The Star can reveal today.'


Let's hope for your sake the economy never recovers then :hihi:

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The current plans of regeneration seem to use less plants/greenery in general IMO.

I wonder what the difference in air quality will be before and after.


Yes and don't forget that Hammersons is the developer responsible for the Bullring as well as sevenstone so here's a taste of what you can expect;





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IMHO we are witnessing the death of Sheffield City Centre, there is more chance of seeing tubleweed blowing down Fargate than the Sevenstone project ever getting off the ground.


I would be hard pressed to see how anyone could 'sell' Sheffield City Centre to potential investors. The place is a complete and utter mess, and it's getting worse by the day. You reap what you sow SCC, you did nothing other than destroy a city centre that once put both Leeds and Manchester to shame. You now have the brass neck to think that investors are going to come in and bail out the sins of your fathers, not a chance.

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The developers are planning to preserve the existing Victorian facades on Pinstone street.


No they're not. Standing at the top of the moor and looking toward the Town Hall the first Victorian building on the left is to be demolished while the building directly opposite will remain. Some of the facades will remain toward the top of Pinstone Street. Pretty much everything behind Pinstone Street will be flattened.


What are peoples opinions on the architecture of the proposed scheme?


Some of the concepts are really interesting but the employment of the concepts ranges from nice to awful. The big tower proposal is pretty dissapointing and probably even more brutal than the one currently under construction. The Venetian Ducal Palace (Black patterned Block) is quite interesting but the actual building is pretty unpleasant.


How much does the architecture of a place affect your decision to shop in a certain location?


The feel of the environment affects my decision to shop. Architecture affects this a lot.


Do you think the designs of the blocks compliment the existing built environment in the city centre?


No. They belong to places like Manchester and Birmingham. The blocks generally seek to dominate.


The Architecture of Sheffield has generally a bit more low key than in other places, this is part of the character. The Winter Garden really isn't particularly high brow or flash but is still a truly beautiful piece of Architecture that needs no introduction or high minded concept. The people of Sheffield generally arne't like the people of Leeds or Manchester, they don't need to brag about how great the city is, it's just nice and they like it that way.

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Just had a look on the site for the first time.


I had heard of the development but had not really taken a great deal of interest.


Generally speaking the design does not exactly have a wow factor. Block 4 is quite frankly awful.


Blocks 2 and 5 are interesting and I quite like the new look John Lewis.


Will it make a great deal of difference to Sheffield?

Not sure.


I personally would have been more interested and excited if they had put a great big roof on it. A little bit like the Grovesnor centre in Chester.


Without it being indoor it is just a redeveloped expensive shopping centre that will be an eye sore in a couple of decades.


I am guessing that it is part of the opening up of the city centre in a route from the station through to the university. A line of modern buildings and landmarks which give a good impression to visitors coming in to the station.


Maybe it also opens up the city centre because it is quite small in retail terms compared to competitors. So I can see some advantages and targets.


But I am still a little bemused having only just looked at it properly.


Can anyone answer these questions:

Is it worth it?

Will more shoppers from across the region/country come to Sheffield to shop at Sevonstone like they have Meadowhall?

Will all the shop units in the moor/grovesnor area remain empty for years?

And why is it called Sevonstone?

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for me personally the upper half of fargate (orchard square side), most of church street, theres a few areas of west street i quite like, (the hallamshire hotel is one)


I suppose it all comes down to personal taste really


Which of those are threatened by development?

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I don't believe any of these are being threatened by development.


Planners have tried to preserve the original architecture as much as possible, for example where H&M is on fargate, they stripped out the building behind but kept the facade.


As far as I know, the Sevenstone development is still going ahead, although delayed and phase 1 (including John Lewis) is due to be completed by 2011 at the earliest.

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I wondered why you kept saying they were keeping these. I have checked the website and I see why, they are being careful what they show. Block 4 with the black building shows a victorian facade, what it doesn't show you is the facade just off the left of the image will be demolished. The rather lower quality building across the road however is retained. What perplexes me about this is there are plenty of empty carpark type sites and awful blocks that could be demolished while retaining the better buildings. A bit more delicacy in such developments would vastly improve their appeal and outcome.

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The link is here; http://www.sevenstone.co.uk/index.php?p=design&s=masterplan if you dare to look. Warning!!! If you are easily offended or of a nervous disposition do NOT, whatever you do, click on the link above.:hihi:

For the rest of you, to view each individual block click on the block number on the left. I was particularly impressed (NOT) by the artists impression of the public realm to be created ( see under block eight ) with all that lovely greenery! Oooh I can't wait!


if i didn't laugh I would cry :hihi: at least I am leaving sheffield before it gets destroyed-hopefully

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