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Sheffield Retail Quarter (ex-"Sevenstone") MEGATHREAD

Should there be an independent review of SCC's performance?  

142 members have voted

  1. 1. Should there be an independent review of SCC's performance?

    • Yes- it would be worth assessing SCC's performance
    • No - not needed / whats the point?
    • Not bothered really

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Business/traders rates isn't it?


sorry was it a rhetorical question


Business rates go to the government not to the city.


"Billing and collection is the responsibility of the local authorities who are funded by the tax, but rather than receipts being retained directly, they are pooled centrally and then are redistributed. The rateable value is multiplied by a centrally-set fraction to produce the annual bill; a number of reliefs are available, such as those for charities and small businesses. In 2005/06, £19.9 billion was collected in business rates, representing 4.35% of the total UK tax income"


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What is "dreadful" about parking in the city centre? Ther's as much parking as at Meadowhall and its easily accessible.


You have to pay for it? I shouldve been clearer but i thought it was obvious.


Out of everything i wrote in that post that is all you had to comment on? :suspect:

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Sheffield needs a free parking holiday for the next 12 months............then we will see what works and what does not.People like Planner 1 will not agree with this plan because he works for the council presumably, and unfortunately they will not try anything inventive.....(could affect their pensions)

But this is the only plan to revitalize Sheffield city centre that will work.I hold no truck with all the excuses trotted out for the existence of charges.its like lots of things,a good money raiser when the economy is booming,but when it's on it's knees as in Sheffield a more forward braver approach is needed.

Virtually all my friends and acquaintances say they would use the city centre more if they were not having to grub around for change then worry about getting back before being ticketed whilst there.The government may have put austerity measures in place and the council have to find ways of raising revenue..................but free parking is the only answer to the problem,not building more shops,however they would come naturally once the city centre revived.

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hang on I'm getting confused again how has the council hampered Hammerson from starting work? If I remember correctly all the plans had been passed and some of the initial work such as re-routing major utilities had been done. Then there was the collapse of the banks and everything got shelved. hammerson didn't think the development was going to give them a good return so the plans were scaled down to make the actual costs lower and then hammerson were offered incentives to get a move on. So the council are kept waiting for Hammerson to make a decision so if anybody is going to get annoyed it should be towards hammersons not the council for lack of movement. My only gripe which I have pointed out to both John Mothersole and Mr. Rees [sorry i forget his first name] is the lack of info from the council on what is happening and what the current position is.


I think the issue is that SCC spent a lot of time and even more money on enabling works, demolition, CPO's etc without having any sort of meaningful development contract in place- one which said if we (SCC) do all this, you (Hammerson) will build Sevenstone. In my mind this is expensive incompetence.

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It's not about "quoting", John Lewis aren't commissioning anyone to build a new store for them, with their money. JL aren't going to move to the new site, away from their current prime location unless there is some guarantee the rest of the development is going to be built.


Developers like Hammerson build huge developments with many shops and lease them out to retailers.


Sheffield is looking for a new retail core, not just one store. They may eventually end up splitting it into several phases if they can't get someone to do it all, but that's not yet been decided.


''Developers like Hammerson build huge developments with many shops and lease them out to retailers.'' They don't in Sheffield.


Will John Lewis move into a new store if development is split up into several phases ..?


I Doubt you will get anyone to do entire job, i think that decisions been made economicaly..

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I think the issue is that SCC spent a lot of time and even more money on enabling works, demolition, CPO's etc without having any sort of meaningful development contract in place- one which said if we (SCC) do all this, you (Hammerson) will build Sevenstone. In my mind this is expensive incompetence.


Thats about the size of it tho isn't it, it's a similar story all over the public sector.


Incompetence in planning and contracts leads to delays, over-budget expenses and projects being cancelled.

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Other half was in Norwich over the weekend and was quite impressed by their Chapelfield shopping mall which has been built by a company called Intu, who apparently have got them springing up all over the place. Makes Meadowhall look dated, was her comment. Why couldn't we interest them in building one here?

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Other half was in Norwich over the weekend and was quite impressed by their Chapelfield shopping mall which has been built by a company called Intu, who apparently have got them springing up all over the place. Makes Meadowhall look dated, was her comment. Why couldn't we interest them in building one here?


Meadowhall is dated, it was opened on 4 September 1990, it is 23 years old. We can't be up-to-date all the time, a lot has happened in that time.

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