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Sheffield Retail Quarter (ex-"Sevenstone") MEGATHREAD

Should there be an independent review of SCC's performance?  

142 members have voted

  1. 1. Should there be an independent review of SCC's performance?

    • Yes- it would be worth assessing SCC's performance
    • No - not needed / whats the point?
    • Not bothered really

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Some of Hammerson's projects for 2013 - 2015 (in Leeds, Croydon and Southampton)


"John Lewis deal kick-starts Leeds Eastgate shopping centre plan"



"Leeds Victoria Gate images released by Hammerson"



"Croydon shopping centres in £1bn regeneration plan"



"Southampton's Watermark WestQuay development plans approved"


Edited by Dragonfall
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I've very rarely seen you post anything that wasn't a snide dig or sarcastic response to someone making a perfectly reasonable argument. Also, I very rarely see you provide any comment of worth. At least people like Penistone999 actually provide a bit of substance to their arguments, even if I disagree with them.


So, looking at it without a chip on my shoulder or a snappy attitude, I think part of larven's argument is that the Meadowhall area isn't a patch on what it could be if the region as a whole had a stronger economy and if the council backed it's development and progress more than they do now. Neither of those things are the reality, largely because the council focus on protecting/controlling the city centre too much - the city centre suffers because developers walk away from a difficult council, and Mhall suffers because the overall city region is weaker for not having a proper centre. Both town and Mhall could co-exist and prosper; it isn't a zero-sum game.


So, you ridicule his point by pointing out Meadowhall is thriving - well, it may be a big, decent shopping centre but it's a poor, aging relation of many more modern centres and don't forget about the millions of pounds of investment in various commerical and residential developments on adjoining land which is currently stalled.


Well said. Agree with every element of your post, except maybe the bit about Penistone999.

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Some of Hammerson's projects for 2013 - 2015 (in Leeds, Croydon and Southampton)


"John Lewis deal kick-starts Leeds Eastgate shopping centre plan"



"Leeds Victoria Gate images released by Hammerson"



"Croydon shopping centres in £1bn regeneration plan"



"Southampton's Watermark WestQuay development plans approved"


Let's see if/when any of them are built. Promises are easy- as Sheffield knows to its (our) cost.

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Some of Hammerson's projects for 2013 - 2015 (in Leeds, Croydon and Southampton)


"John Lewis deal kick-starts Leeds Eastgate shopping centre plan"



"Leeds Victoria Gate images released by Hammerson"



"Croydon shopping centres in £1bn regeneration plan"



"Southampton's Watermark WestQuay development plans approved"



What a huge slap in the face. It must be so embarrassing for SCC.


Or i bet they probably couldn't care less. They still get paid at the end of the month. With a fat bonus at the end of the year for robbing us blind on parking charges.


Is there an open forum where people can go an ask these idiots some challenging questions?

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Or i bet they probably couldn't care less. They still get paid at the end of the month. With a fat bonus at the end of the year for robbing us blind on parking charges.


Is there an open forum where people can go an ask these idiots some challenging questions?

Neither council officers nor councillors get bonuses.


Email your councillors, the portfolio holder or the council leader, it's as easy as posting on here, you can do it from the council website.

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What a huge slap in the face. It must be so embarrassing for SCC.


Or i bet they probably couldn't care less. They still get paid at the end of the month. With a fat bonus at the end of the year for robbing us blind on parking charges.


Is there an open forum where people can go an ask these idiots some challenging questions?


Good luck getting any answers. The biggest development works the city was to have seen since the post war era (or possibly Meadowhall) stall then fizzle out after 10 years in the planning, and the powers that be give a 2 line statement to the people in the local rag. It so outrageous its almost laughable.They have their heads seriously under the duvet and wont be coming out for a long time I suspect. It's clear they dont want to answer some uncomfortable questions, because it will uncover some uncomfortable truths.

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i know, look how bad the city centre is and how much of a knock on effect its having on meadowhall.....ohh wait....nope silly me, meadowhall thiving


Actually the Meadowhall area is suffering because of the weakness of the centre. There is such a focus to protect and direct developments in the centre that the council has refused perfectly fine developments like Next Home. They are also trying to get Ikea to take up a site near the centre even though there is no chance of this happening. The centre first attitude has and continues to harm the prospect of developments coming forward in the Meadowhall area. It has also led to damaging statements from individuals like the chief executive of Next who have attacked the council for being hostile to business.


The council have restricted Meadowhall to its present size in their core strategy when l have no doubt that a major expansion would be viable. That damages Meadowhall by limiting its potential to expand. Why do you think they want to do that?

Edited by larven
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Neither council officers nor councillors get bonuses.


Email your councillors, the portfolio holder or the council leader, it's as easy as posting on here, you can do it from the council website.


The release of information regarding parking charges is another middle finger to the people of Sheffield. We were led to believe that the increased parking hours & sunday charges was because the council were skint. Infact your raking it in. 40% more on last year.


Who's running for the conservatives next year?


Im going to volunteer my services. I'll photocopy, go door to door. Anything i can.


You guys have got to go.

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What uncomfortable questions did they refuse to answer, certainly when I contacted the chief executive and Ron rees who was in charge of the development they answered mine. I may not of liked the answers I got but I did at least get slightly better informed on some of the issues. The developments that Hammerson are dealing with in other cities are interesting as it's not at all clear how long those developments have been talked about, what issues were overcome or still need to be dealt with and who owns the land these new developments are going to be sitting on..

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SCC focus their efforts on the centre because it is the economic driver of the city and the entire SY region. It is by far the most important part of Sheffield and SY and it is quite right that they focus on it because what happens there effects every other part of the city. It is the heart of Sheffield and if it falters then everywhere else will suffer too.



Not any more its not........... that title belongs to Meadowhall .

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