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Sheffield Retail Quarter (ex-"Sevenstone") MEGATHREAD

Should there be an independent review of SCC's performance?  

142 members have voted

  1. 1. Should there be an independent review of SCC's performance?

    • Yes- it would be worth assessing SCC's performance
    • No - not needed / whats the point?
    • Not bothered really

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Apparantly it is this building.




Not exactly an architectural or historical gem and don't think it would be sadly missed.


I have to say I agree with you, it's a quaint building but nothing to stop a major city centre redevelopment.

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it's been very interesting reading this thread i came to sheffield around 1974 for a contract lasting about 3 weeks and i'v been here ever since

i worked on the eggbox next to the town hall and the mullberry tarven married a scottish lass and had three kids.

sheffield is unique amonest citys in the uk in that the people are down to earth welcome anyone who has a work ethic and tries to fits in with the locals and unlike leeds, manchester, london, where i have also worked and lived is still a" village" with all that living in a "village "entails like looking after your neighbours,having pride in your garden and most importantly being yorkshire and down to earth

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I assume many people know of the latest plans by Sheffield City Council to butcher our city centre and destroy our heritage.

I'm refering to the offensive Sevenstone development - quite simply, the most arrogant, ugly, and unimaginative set of 'plans' I have ever seen in my life.

Already, because of the Sevenstone monster, Sheffield City Council has overseen the demolition of the fire station in Wellington Street, a fine building, not even 25 years old, which will be much missed.

Couldn't they have converted it to a new use? look at the old Kenning's building, now the home of the Showroom Cinema.

There is something uplifting, stylish, exciting, sexy even, to give old buildings new uses in which the public can go in, participate and benefit - in the case of Kenning's, you can see a film or buy a drink at the Showroom bar.

Sheffield City Council never gave the fire station the chance of a new life - a disgrace - it could have made an excellent centre for new business accommodation at low rents, to get ventures launched and established, and be the incubator for new jobs.

It could have helped to stimulate and diversify Sheffield's economy.

But, thanks to our council, we will never know what it could have become.

In a time of world financial uncertainty, why commit to the monstrous Sevenstone scheme, a disaster in the making, which is bound to be half empty and soulless if it is ever built - so PLEASE help me to stop it in its tracks!!

Post on this thread if you are in support and want Sevenstone stopped - Sheffield City Council 'consultation' is a joke, a device to get public answers to support their own plans, so post here and we will provide some real consultation and opinion of our own.

Why oppose Sevenstone?

Sevenstone will lead to the demolition of a large number of fine old buildings (and perfectly re-useable modern ones) in the Cambridge Street and Pinstone Street area, including the lovely old Bethel Sunday School.

Go and see it, the likes of this building will never be built again in Sheffield. It is steeped in history, used by generations of Sheffielders, many of them children of the working class poor.

Why replace a building like this, full of social history and the essential character which makes Sheffield unique, and replace it with another dreary identikit shopping mall, nowhere-ville, selling nothing but imported goods from China, the sort of thing which would look no different to other shopping developments all over the UK and beyond.

Sheffield does not have many historic buildings left, and before the council destroys any more much-loved and meaningful places to us Sheffielders - such as the Sportsman pub in Cambridge Street - please help to stop this Sevenstone scheme.

With the present buildings and street plan, Sheffield City Council could commission a sustainable and popular scheme to give exciting new uses to the buildings already there. Be imaginative, creative, and keep the sense of place.

For example, why demolish the Grosvenor House Hotel, another important building, a landmark, a site which helps define Sheffield?

The hotel has also been an important contributor to the World Snooker Championships at the Crucible over the years given the number of top snooker players that have stayed there.

This building could easily be refurbished inside and out and given a new lease of life. Why demolish it. It is just senseless.

Have a look at the Sevenstone plans, you can easily find them on Google, they really are horrific.

And then look at the Hallamshire Historic Buildings Society website for comment from real Sheffielders about the scheme.

Sheffield City Council has a disgraceful recording of destroying our city's heritage. Look on the excellent Picture Sheffield website and look at beautiful old pictures of the Royal Hospital in West Street, and St Paul's Church in Pinstone Street, two amazing buildings which were lost with the full support of our so-called council.

Don't let the council ruin what is left of our past. Post on this thread, give opinions, there is still time to make a difference!!

Thanks for reading, over to you ...


A link ???

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I started work at the bottom of Fargate in 1962 and concluded my working life at the top of Fargate four weeks ago.


I have seen a fine old city rise from the ashes of the blitz and further seen it destroyed by idiots who call themselves councellors. As for the 1950's/1960's buildings, every city that was badly bombed ended up with them, Coventy was almost rebuilt in the same style. However, they were not built to last forever, but great thought should be taken as to what to replace them with.


IMHO Sevenstone is an ill judged dream of planners who will most likely not be around to see it boarded up, with tumble weed blowing down it's streets. Something has to be done to bring back the retail shop/store trade, just building a load of retail units and charging sky high rent and rates for them will not work.


If I were the chairman of say Harvey Nichols I would send someone to take photographs of the entire city centre, The Moor and Haymarket would no doubt help with his/her decision. Sir Stuart Rose will find himself with a little time on his hands shortly, would it not be a good idea to ask for his opinion?

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Completely disagree. Most of town is a complete eyesore that retailers do not want to operate in. Sevenstone will change that.


I'm looking forward to the completion of it which will make town a much better place to both live and visit.

But why do we want more temples of Chinese consumerism.You can bet like Meadowhell, that 90% of "stuff" sold will be from China and the far east,that's why we are in such a mess mainly,because WE made it nearly all in this country at one time.

We need to be cured of the bloated consumer disease for a while,especially the foreign virulent type,and the way things are heading we might not have much choice!

The city centre is not broke and doesn't need fixing with a multi million pound scheme.A good tweak and makeover is all that is needed.Sheffield is much more than silly people wanting to spend fortunes trying to fix things.We saw that with the Student games debacle in Sheffield and we have just seen it with the irresponsible Labour government.

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