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Sheffield Retail Quarter (ex-"Sevenstone") MEGATHREAD

Should there be an independent review of SCC's performance?  

142 members have voted

  1. 1. Should there be an independent review of SCC's performance?

    • Yes- it would be worth assessing SCC's performance
    • No - not needed / whats the point?
    • Not bothered really

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I'm not sure but you could start by asking your MP to address a question regarding all this to whoever the minister for local affairs is. While this seems like a very throwaway action it isn't. When a minister is asked a question by a fellow member of the house they're obliged to answer it.


Gather all the info you can and email it to your local MP and ask him to raise the issue with Eric Pickles (I think he is the relevant person).


Just keep badgering. Clearly this needs to be looked at by some one from outside of SCC.


The silence is deafening from the local MP`s over this fiasco .

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More like the economy is down the tubes!. really what do we expect?. none has got the money to pay for 1 parking, 2 overpriced goods, 3 underwhelming shopping experience.

not with Leeds standing out at the moment with their retail complex


I refer you to Dragonfall's posted link at the top of the previous page:


Sheffield desperate for some retail therapy



Just go to Leeds, Manchester or Liverpool on a Saturday afternoon, the streets are packed with shoppers.


Not browsers - they're loaded down with carrier bags.

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Noting the growing criticism against Sheffield City Council's handling of the Sevenstone affair, it seems valid to demand a public/government enquiry. It clearly has been badly mis-managed (if not maybe corruptly so?) when you consider the facts:


- Sevenstone conceived at the same time as Leeds' Trinity (early 2000's)

- Trinity now built (a £350 million project) & trading

- Hammerson's now looking to start work on £130 million Eastgate in Leeds next in 2014

- Sevenstone never started & shelved until 2015

- Hammerson's now owning a large areas of Sheffield City Centre

- SCC in a position to have to potentially buy back those areas at more cost

- many retail units empty, having a negative knock-on effect to existing ones

- large areas of dereliction in the heart of the city (land & buildings)

- negative perception of Sheffield to business & retail, as a place to invest

- Hammerson's continuing to conceive & complete projects in other cities

- SCC blocking Next/BMW & IKEA's first attempt (2005) at locating in the city

- SCC continuing to blame the Recession, despite other cities retail projects being completed through it

- recognition from the business community that there is enough potential trade in the Sheffield area to support a city centre retail development

- recognition from the business community that areas of Sheffield are taking their trade to Manchester, Leeds, Nottingham

- lack of a late-opening modern retail centre, creating a 'dead-zone' between 5.30pm & the night-time economy (despite aspirations to being a '24hr city')


Am sure there could be other things that could be added to that list.

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Noting the growing criticism against Sheffield City Council's handling of the Sevenstone affair, it seems valid to demand a public/government enquiry. It clearly has been badly mis-managed (if not maybe corruptly so?) when you consider the facts:


- Sevenstone conceived at the same time as Leeds' Trinity (early 2000's)

- Trinity now built (a £350 million project) & trading

- Hammerson's now looking to start work on £130 million Eastgate in Leeds next in 2014

- Sevenstone never started & shelved until 2015

- Hammerson's now owning a large areas of Sheffield City Centre

- SCC in a position to have to potentially buy back those areas at more cost

- many retail units empty, having a negative knock-on effect to existing ones

- large areas of dereliction in the heart of the city (land & buildings)

- negative perception of Sheffield to business & retail, as a place to invest

- Hammerson's continuing to conceive & complete projects in other cities

- SCC blocking Next/BMW & IKEA's first attempt (2005) at locating in the city

- SCC continuing to blame the Recession, despite other cities retail projects being completed through it

- recognition from the business community that there is enough potential trade in the Sheffield area to support a city centre retail development

- recognition from the business community that areas of Sheffield are taking their trade to Manchester, Leeds, Nottingham

- lack of a late-opening modern retail centre, creating a 'dead-zone' between 5.30pm & the night-time economy (despite aspirations to being a '24hr city')


Am sure there could be other things that could be added to that list.


Lets add all the costs of the preparatory ground works that SCC claim to have done ready for Hammerson to start development. How much spent without having Hammerson contracted to do their bit?

Edited by lil-minx92
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If there wasnt a clause put in the contract with Hammerson that stated Sevenstone had to be completed within a timescale or there would be penalties to pay , then it shows massive incompetence within the town hall. SCC have a lot of Questions to answer regarding this fiasco , yet we all know those answers wont be forthcoming. And the local MP`s should be demanding answers from the council ,but the silence is deafening from them also.

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If there wasnt a clause put in the contract with Hammerson that stated Sevenstone had to be completed within a timescale or there would be penalties to pay , then it shows massive incompetence within the town hall. SCC have a lot of Questions to answer regarding this fiasco , yet we all know those answers wont be forthcoming. And the local MP`s should be demanding answers from the council ,but the silence is deafening from them also.


I wonder if a contract would ever be agreed upon with such a clause asthere would be so many factors that could delay a building project, take for example the university arts tower. It wasn't till the foundations were being dug that geological issues meant that things slowed down not that I'm suggesting such problems for sevenstone but bad weather can hold things up as another example.

The Sheffield mps may be rather quiet because no-one has bothered to contact them and ask any relevant questions, I'm in the process of composing an email to the chief executives office which will be interesting to see what sort of response i get.

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I wonder if a contract would ever be agreed upon with such a clause asthere would be so many factors that could delay a building project, take for example the university arts tower. It wasn't till the foundations were being dug that geological issues meant that things slowed down not that I'm suggesting such problems for sevenstone but bad weather can hold things up as another example.

The Sheffield mps may be rather quiet because no-one has bothered to contact them and ask any relevant questions, I'm in the process of composing an email to the chief executives office which will be interesting to see what sort of response i get.


Excellent work Wallbuilder! Maybe you could publish it on here too? Maybe copy the Star in? Certainly will be interesting to see what the response is :)

I'd love to know SCC's total expenditure to date on this project including all consultants fees & cost of prep works. It must be tens of millions

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I wonder if a contract would ever be agreed upon with such a clause asthere would be so many factors that could delay a building project, take for example the university arts tower. It wasn't till the foundations were being dug that geological issues meant that things slowed down not that I'm suggesting such problems for sevenstone but bad weather can hold things up as another example.

The Sheffield mps may be rather quiet because no-one has bothered to contact them and ask any relevant questions, I'm in the process of composing an email to the chief executives office which will be interesting to see what sort of response i get.


Planning approvals are time limited. There's no reason why any contract couldn't be worded to also be time limited.


A time limited agreement could easily allow for bad weather or geological issues. The point is that developers should be required to put up or shut up. If they have committed to develop the area, then they should be required to do what they have committed to within an agreed time frame. If they do not think it is worth while doing the development at present, that shouldn't matter. If they have signed to do something, they should be required to do it or forfeit. If they haven't got the money available to do it, then SCC were negligent if they didn't do the necessary due diligence to check.

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