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Sheffield Retail Quarter (ex-"Sevenstone") MEGATHREAD

Should there be an independent review of SCC's performance?  

142 members have voted

  1. 1. Should there be an independent review of SCC's performance?

    • Yes- it would be worth assessing SCC's performance
    • No - not needed / whats the point?
    • Not bothered really

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Originally Posted by byeo


I'm sorry but now you're just talking way too much sense.


I'm also realistic in saying that such a car park wouldn't be free. How could it be? It would be terribly expensive to build and would need to be paid for somehow. Not all Sheffield council tax payers are car users, so it would hardly be fair on them to build it solely with council tax money - besides which, there's hardly any spare cash sloshing around, is there?


That said, if it were council backed it could look to claw back its costs over a longer period than the private car parks do. Its rates could be "reasonable".


Taking the size of the plot into account, this car park could be 1,200 - 1,500 spaces. That's still quite a small when compared to Meadowhall, but could make a difference.


Meadowhall's ratio of 12,000 car parking spaces to 280 shops seems to work for them, even though they have a rail terminal right next to the centre as well as a tram stop. Sheffield city centre's parking provision seems relatively small, and is therefore uncompetative and expensive.


look, all the spare cash is being offered tp sevenstone to bribe...sorry help them along, council build car parking????, what planet are you on!!!, they given all the spare cash to build a great white elephant...sorry sevenstone!!!!



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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Let me sum up SCC's reaction to that eminently sensible suggestion for you:




I don't think that they believe that.


It's obviously better for everyone in Sheffield (in terms of pollution) that more people use trams access the city centre. Buses, on the other hand, are diesel-engined and are therefore far more damaging to human health than the petrol cars that they replace.


It's also true that the more people using public transport, the easier it is for car users to get around.


I really don't see why large car parks around the Inner Ring Road can't be built, though. The more there are, the less reason there is for people to actually travel around the IRR to get to their final destination.

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I disagree - i think most people would think that the Wicker area has never been part of the city centre.


Can you name any high street shops that you would normally associate with a city centre that are on the Wicker?


I've lived here all my life and always considered Wicker to be part of the city centre.


Of the car parks I listed there are some which are convenient for the Castle Market area. Willey Street is about 300yds away from it. Most people would consider the castle market as being in the city centre and you can park all day within 300yds for 2 quid.


People on here have suggested that the way forward for parts of the city centre is to have more independant shops, eateries etc. Well, that's what you have already got on Wicker.

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Look, all the spare cash is being offered to Sevenstone to bribe... sorry, help them along. The council build car parking???? What planet are you on? They've given all the spare cash to build a great white elephant... sorry, Sevenstone!!!!


If Hammerson do commit to building Sevenstone then the incentives will have worked. If that is the case then it'll be a great thing.


Don Valley Stadium was a white elephant, but I'm not sure that Sevenstone will be. Modern retailing units will definitely be filled such a prime location.

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The problem with these cheap car parks is that they are so tiny that there's no way that you could guarantee there being a free space. If anyone were to try and park in one and found it full, it's really difficult to navigate to the next. You could spend an awfully long time searching for a free bay. It hardly seems worth the potential waste in time, so it's either better to pay more in a larger car park or head to an out-of-town retail destination.


I'm not sure how many car parking spaces there are in the city centre, but I'm sure it's way below that of Meadowhall's 12,000.


There are trials of a Smarter Parking system taking place in London and Birmingham, which provide real time info on where there are vacant parking spaces in car parks or on street. See: http://asmarterplanet.com/blog/2013/01/22902.html


It includes a smartphone app which will guide the user to available spaces. Payment is cashless, by mobile phone.


Do people think this would work in Sheffield?


Last time I counted there were around 11,000 parking spaces (on and off street, private sector and council) in total in the city centre and that's not counting the multi storey at Millsands and some of the minor operators.


---------- Post added 30-05-2013 at 18:54 ----------


Let me sum up SCC's reaction to that eminently sensible suggestion for you:




If they thought that, why have they given consent for the plethora of new multi-storey car parks which have been built in recent years around the city centre, in locations easily accessed from the ring road?


---------- Post added 30-05-2013 at 19:05 ----------


All of them on the north side of the city.

All of them, I don't doubt, filled by well before 08:00 Monday to Friday.

So absolutely no use at all to the vast majority of people.


Some of those car parks are not particularly well used , so you could find a space any day.


If you want a more central ones, the Wellington St car park is probably the Council's most central one and it's their largest. Charges were £9.30 for 6 hours. Now £4.


Carver St and Rockingham St were also £9.30 for 6 hrs and are now a fiver.


Big enough cuts for you?

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There are trials of a Smarter Parking system taking place in London and Birmingham, which provide real time info on where there are vacant parking spaces in car parks or on street. See: http://asmarterplanet.com/blog/2013/01/22902.html


It includes a smartphone app which will guide the user to available spaces. Payment is cashless, by mobile phone.


Do people think this would work in Sheffield?

To prove how out of touch with reality SCC are, are you seriously suggesting they encourage drivers to break the law by using a mobile phone whilst driving, as they search for a parking spot? Anyone who thinks this is a good idea is an idiot.
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I disagree - i think most people would think that the Wicker area has never been part of the city centre.


Can you name any high street shops that you would normally associate with a city centre that are on the Wicker?


You don't define city centres by what parts of it have recognisable High St shops in them.


The Wicker is very much part of the city centre as are other peripheral areas like St Vincent's, the Quays, the CIQ and West Bar. City centres are complex places and often have different zones which cater or specialise in the various functions and services that the centre provides. You can't define it in such simplistic terms as what shops it has.

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To prove how out of touch with reality SCC are, are you seriously suggesting they encourage drivers to break the law by using a mobile phone whilst driving, as they search for a parking spot? Anyone who thinks this is a good idea is an idiot.


Many people use their iPhones in the same way they use satnavs, including mounting on dashboards. Quite different from texting or holding the phone to your ear having a conversation.


And more to the point, the technology planner1 refers to an soon be built in to the programs sat navs use. Many already provide real-time traffic information. This is just a continuation of the same idea - more up to date information to make better use of resources.


You just took one .5 second glance at that website, if at all, and came spewing out with a biased, anti-council view. It does not show you in a very good light.


---------- Post added 30-05-2013 at 21:43 ----------


I posted this on the other sevenstone thread which was locked earlier today. I think it sums up this whole sorry affair.


I expect the announcement will be followed by more dreary, predictable posts from Penistone999, Dawny and lil-minx telling us all how to plan for Sheffield's future. I can't say I think much of the council, but I also can't say i think much of the anti-council brigade's approach to things on here either.


Basically the council just come out with the same tired PR responses, but equally, all you see from the people who are anti-council on SF is sarcastic responses to anything to Planner1 posts, or the same tired old questions that have been done to death.


All in all, it's just the kind of petty tit-for-tat squabble you'd expect in politics/planning/the internet. It makes you very tired of Sheffield Forum and very tired of Sheffield full stop. A city centre with no decent shops, a stale, lifeless shopping centre with nothing but shops, and all populated by negativity from top-to-bottom.




[troll]Now Leeds - there's a decent city[/troll]

Edited by AndrewC
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