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Sheffield Retail Quarter (ex-"Sevenstone") MEGATHREAD

Should there be an independent review of SCC's performance?  

142 members have voted

  1. 1. Should there be an independent review of SCC's performance?

    • Yes- it would be worth assessing SCC's performance
    • No - not needed / whats the point?
    • Not bothered really

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whens the next local elections?, because this lot couldnt run a drinking sesh in a brewery never mind a multi million pound city, its time they were kicked out and we get people in who can and will run things properly.

i can see now why ukip did so well at last local elections!

June 2014.

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...Anyone might think The Star were asked to keep the news quiet to save SCC's face...


The Star's Diary columnist wrote this in Monday's edition:

"...Talking of white elephants, has that Hammerson deadline passed yet? Or has the (non)development company been given yet more time to mess us about?"

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Whats another 6 months added on to the 8 years between friends eh.


I just hope that Hammerson was nice enough to give a reach around to Sheffield this time.

No tongues mind. Pass the mind bleach!!! :hihi::hihi:
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Hi, I've got some info although you're not going to like it. I recieved a call from Ronald Ree's who works for the council and is the director for sevenstone and it's development. He's not happy as hammerson have still not committed, obviously from their view point it's got to provide a good financial return for them and they don't seem to be confident of that. So the council are still pushing wanting a firm commitment as if hammerson pull out it would push the possible start date back for possibly years as a new developer would need to be found. Hammerson do own some of the area but so do John Lewis and the council so if Hammerson do commit then demolition could start in places without it being organised by Hammerson. Something I hadn't even considered is the archaeological interest in the area which means demolition would have to be done carefully with area's of interest being examined before building work commenced. He seemed to think that it would be days rather than weeks before we get a definite answer from Hammerson as to whether they are going to go ahead. I'm going to send an email off to John Mothersole on everybodies behalf expressing my disappointment that we're still in limbo but as I know John has come up through the ranks at planning I bet he's as fed up as we are by now. The lack of info being fed through is because at the moment there's still nothing concrete to report but watch this space as things aren't going to be allowed to remain stationary.

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Hi, I've got some info although you're not going to like it. I recieved a call from Ronald Ree's who works for the council and is the director for sevenstone and it's development. He's not happy as hammerson have still not committed, obviously from their view point it's got to provide a good financial return for them and they don't seem to be confident of that. So the council are still pushing wanting a firm commitment as if hammerson pull out it would push the possible start date back for possibly years as a new developer would need to be found. Hammerson do own some of the area but so do John Lewis and the council so if Hammerson do commit then demolition could start in places without it being organised by Hammerson. Something I hadn't even considered is the archaeological interest in the area which means demolition would have to be done carefully with area's of interest being examined before building work commenced. He seemed to think that it would be days rather than weeks before we get a definite answer from Hammerson as to whether they are going to go ahead. I'm going to send an email off to John Mothersole on everybodies behalf expressing my disappointment that we're still in limbo but as I know John has come up through the ranks at planning I bet he's as fed up as we are by now. The lack of info being fed through is because at the moment there's still nothing concrete to report but watch this space as things aren't going to be allowed to remain stationary.


So as we said, the council said jump and Hammerson said who the hell do you think you're talking to you incompetent jumped up little fools. Net result, it clearly is not going to happen, only our morons at the council will continue to waste our money pretending it might.


Nice one for getting/publishing the info, as it's clearly not confidential as they gave it to you it would have been nice if the council had volunteered it via their website or the media rather than having to have it dragged out of them by you and published on the forum. Still as it confirms what we all expected no surprise they try to keep it under wraps as long as possible.

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I checked that i could post the info on the forum and as Ron said there's not much point giving an update when there's no news. I'm going to ask John in my email just how much longer are the council going to wait for an answer I suppose though you have to look at Hammersons problem, if they commit and work starts then will the units all get filled and will they get their money back, not that this helps the city of Sheffield much.

Two other things ifound out were that there are some listed buildings within the development area which I know can cause real headaches although I'm not sure which buildings exactly and the empty shop units although being offered out at very cheap short term rents are standing empty because no-one has taken them the council can't force shop owners to take them up.

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Yes, nice one for getting the info, well done.


Call me Mr. Cynical but is this how SCC are releasing the news, by the back door? Do they now need to make an official announcement now it's in the public domain - presumably not, thus saving a minute amount of face? If so, this makes them look even more incompetent and weak.


So SCC could pull down the property they own, prior to getting some other developer on board to start building. That'll really improve how the city centre looks. Similar to how the Luftwaffe left it back in '40. Perhaps they could make a WW2 theme park out of it? Just a suggestion, one that is no worse than what will actually happen in the city centre over the next few (many?!) years...

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I think that it's been clear for a long time that until the retail sector shows signs of serious improvement and or the cost of borrowing comes down for the developers, this project isn't getting built.

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