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Anyone but England.

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I'm not trying to beat anyone up.

I couldn't care less about language, integration etc, that is all a choice.

Laws are laws. Maybe people should do more homework and see if this country suits their needs.


Sorry alex, we're going off at a tangent, but Im not sure what you mean by 'laws' or how the net effect of foreign cultures is negative on us.


Ps: I never suggested you were 'beating anyone up' btw :)

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You know that the romans could not possibly know what race someone is, right? Unless they had some form of genetic testing that has otherwise only become available in the last couple of decades.


Now, if we go to what DNA testing tells us, it is that we are likely of one race:




Google "ghengis khan dna" 16 million descendants that fella has.


If your country was conquered and you fought for 25 years in the army you was given Roman citizenship. The number of battles they had 25 years must have been a long shot but some must have done it.

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