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Anyone but England.

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Nothing has been 'smashed' I dont care what anyone say about the Germans, im not German you see but when people are racist towards the English, well i dont like that.


I've got you all wrong then, you obviously want to embrace the world, its people and cultures.


Apart from the Germans.

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but when people are racist towards the English, well i dont like that.

It's a t-shirt for a football tournament, not the biggest slight we've ever faced. At the very most, and this is the extreme end of the scale, it is ever so slightly offensive. Some people in Scotland don't want us to win the world cup. Boo hoo. It's hardly in the same league as apartheid, is it?


You're obviously enjoying your moral indignation though so i shall let you carry on.

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Im not answering your question as its not relevant. Im not talking about football teams at club level or infact any level. Im talking about the blatent racism the English have to endure day in and day out whilst all the time being labeled racists themselves. The message in the t-shirt has nothing to do with sport, its a racist dig at the English.



..er, ah-hem..you probably must have missed all the invective directed at Muslims over the last few years?


What the 'English' have to endure is merely their own persecution complex.

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Its not racist. Its just Scotland's pathetic deep hatred for the English.


Its very sad, because on a 1-1 basis the Scots are great people, warm and friendly to the English.


Except for Gordon Brown, who has no warmth whatsoever.


I think Renton from Trainspotting sums it up nicely


'It's **** being Scottish! We're the lowest of the low. The scum of the ****** Earth! The most wretched, miserable, servile, pathetic trash that was ever shat into civilization. Some hate the English. I don't. They're just ******. We, on the other hand, are COLONIZED by ******. Can't even find a decent culture to be colonized BY. We're ruled by effete ******. It's a ***** state of affairs to be in, Tommy, and ALL the fresh air in the world won't make any ****** difference!'

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It's a t-shirt for a football tournament, not the biggest slight we've ever faced. At the very most, and this is the extreme end of the scale, it is ever so slightly offensive. Some people in Scotland don't want us to win the world cup. Boo hoo. It's hardly in the same league as apartheid, is it?


You're obviously enjoying your moral indignation though so i shall let you carry on.


Im not enjoying this any more than most others are.

The use of a football tournament is just a convieninet excuse for the scots to spill their bile and hate at us English.

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I dont have a problem with the Germans.

Nice try tho:rolleyes:


yes you do...;)


Nothing has been 'smashed' I dont care what anyone say about the Germans, im not German you see but when people are racist towards the English, well i dont like that.
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..er, ah-hem..you probably must have missed all the invective directed at Muslims over the last few years?


What the 'English' have to endure is merely their own persecution complex.



I dont have a persecution complex.

Do you? If so id get some help and dont try to tar everyone else with the same brush as yourself.

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