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Would you commute by bicycle if..


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[pedant] you implied that you beeped him after he'd gone down the inside. If he hadn't already gone down the inside you would have noticed him in your mirror and waited for him to go through as instructed in the Highway Code.


Probably best not to pursue this line too much, the thread is aiming to be constructive, not a place for us -v- them moans. :) [/pedant]

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I'd love to cycle to work - in fact I have been considering it now the weather's starting to improve. I'm sure it would be quicker than sitting in the traffic, as it currently takes me 45 mins to drive the 5 miles into Sheffield centre!


Changing facilities / showers at work would be a huge plus. As would a "safe" route but I could probably find one of those if I tried....



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Make it safer for a start, many (not all) motorists have no respect for cyclists choosing to run them close to the kerb, pull out on them, etc just generally making it extremely difficult for them and don't get me started on bus drivers and cyclists!


Road surfaces need sorting out too! its like being in kazakhstan in some places of sheffield. No disrespect to kazakhstan but the roads there are awful and its no exageraion to say it about some of the roads in Sheffield! If the council will pay for my physio, new bum cheeks every few months, and a new bike every few months i'll gladly cycle everywhere!

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A great benefit of having my bike at work today has been the chance to spend my lunch break doing a beautiful 8 mile loop round Rivelin.


Its stunning out, and with no leaves on the trees you get to see all those bits near the river that are normally hidden, the old mills and stone works.


Back to work refreshed.

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I cycle to the station and get the train with my bike to derby - where i cycle to complete my journey at the other end. it's way quicker than getting the bus, or driving (lets not even talk about the parking costs as shef trian station). when its a bit lighter i can bike back from chesterfield if i'm feeling perky.


this despite the trains companies continuing to decrease the provision of bike spaces on trains and the vastly variable attitude of train staff to bike carriage.


more bike spaces on all public transport would help people make up journeys with the minimum fuss (and be an added incentive in a hilly city like our) eg get tram up hill bike back down.


check this for bike routes round he city



problems with bike routes

- not linking up

- not gritted

- too much having to give way when crossing roads (never gonna use a bike rout elike tis if i could go along a road and not have to give way every 50m)

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Did it briefly a while back. Problems for me:


1. Nowhere at home to store bike inside. After lugging up stairs and leaving on the hall for a while, the missus starts to complain.


2. Terrible roads. All the c**p from the highway gets brushed to the edge of the road where you tend to cycle. Potholes, drain covers...just terrible terrible roads


3. Idiot drivers. Nuff said.


4. Idiot cyclists - just as bad as the above. If you stand by the traffic lights outside Matalan/Currys etc on Chesterfield road in the morning, count the number of cyclists who go straight through a red versus those who stop. It's about 10 to 1 for the illegal idiots. I pray for a lorry to come out of the retail park and show them why it's a bad idea.


5. Having to have shower at work. Facilities are like a nasty scout camp.


6. Having to dress like a power ranger.


7. Having to lug laptop and more kit to work. Also as my missus works at same place, just so darned convenient and cheap to share a lift.


So that's it really.


A question to the OP - why the questions? Are you doing a research paper?

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I would love to cycle to work some days. Others I need to drive to drop off and collect kids from nursery ( yes, I know I could do this by bike....but I'm being realistic).


The journey is about the same time by car, by bus and cycling.

We even have secure facilities at work and a couple of showers.


What stops me? I just know I'd be knocked off my bike cycling from Totely down Baslow Road/Abbeydale Road/ London Road.... I can cycle through Millhouses park for some of it - the rest involves bus lanes, parked cars and various other obstacles. Proper dedicated cycle paths away from traffic is the only thing that would convince me. I'm cerainly not going to let my kids cycle on the roads either. I'm not even a paranoid parent when it comes to risk, I let them do most things, but not this.

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