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Is Rotherham's night life better than Sheffield's?

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Hmm. Snafu and Fubar.


Tasty names. Tasty pubs.


I dunno, many people believe that Snafu has ruined the live music scene in Rotherham through not pushing the envelope.


They don`t get the "real" bands like the Tut or Charters used to 10-20yrs ago because they won`t put them on.


They prefer covers bands, many of which are really good, but there`s something not quite right about watching middle-aged men shoehorning contemporary indie covers into their set to try and get "down with the kids"


Other than that, the main problem is often the sound. The venue seems to express a clear preference for running everything through the PA and keeping the stage sound down which makes for a very sterile listening experience and again creates a very middle of the road atmosphere.


If it was a "proper" rock bar it would be apparent from the reluctance of passing chavs to try and get in for a quick one on the way to their local webbed-feet support meeting.


...and if you dance too enthusiastically you get dragged out, which I`ve seen happen to many people. Though the bouncer isn`t half as cocky when he`s stacking shelves in Wilkinson :)

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  • 1 month later...
Hmmmm what about Doncaster?


Flat ...... which is why there`s so many smackheads cos they don`t have to walk up a hill to buy a bag.


Might make a good seaside resort in a few hundred years ... once they`ve cleaned the needles up off the beach.


Give it to Lincolnshire I say!

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